Key concepts to understand cryptocurrencies

Spain gives the go-ahead to the digital euro

What will the EU Digital Identity Wallet be like?

The synergy between gold and AI

Bitcoin consumes as much electricity as Sweden

Virtual cards for virtual shopping

Virtual cards for secure purchases

From physical to virtual cards

Territori 17: Machine learning and ethics

Advantages and disadvantages of CBDCs

Everyone will talk about a tech-driven bioeconomy

The rise of multimodal AI agents

Bitvavo, European leader in euro crypto trading

Catalonia, the cradle of start-ups

The evolution of artificial intelligence

Planned obsolescence, a driver of consumerism?

A new phase in the tech Cold War

The revolution in customer relations

Health apps: are they safe?

How do climate models work?

Promoting Catalan: the 11 best TikTokers

Is Europe's digital sovereignty feasible?

Tips to secure your crypto account

Bitvavo: Bitcoin ETF and Recurring Buy

USDC pairs now available at Bitvavo

Work automation: should I be worried?

Surprising industrial uses of gold

How gold helps create oxygen on Mars

Does the EU want to control your assets?

What is the right-to-disconnect?

Territori 17: the emergence of ChatGPT

What are the main uses of cryptocurrencies?

AI: Life-saving technology

Bitvavo: company profile

What underpins the value of Bitcoin?

The dangers of public Wi-Fi networks

Cryptocurrencies: is it a good time to buy?

It is time to reindustrialise the European Union

Artificial intelligence as a weapon of war

Can I be fired by an algorithm?

FedNow: a move towards the digital dollar?

Gold at the heart of the quantum financial system

What is the real carbon footprint of our emails?

Get started with crypto before the next halving!

Why have cryptocurrencies soared?

Working less thanks to technological progress

Bitvavo introduces credit card deposits

All set for a quantum financial system?

Fintech and financial innovation

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