No progress on working hours reduction

11 tips to improve family finances

The 10 most disruptive Catalan companies of 2024

How money laundering works

What is deflation? How does it affect the economy?

The economy depends on biodiversity

The BRICS magnet draws in Southeast Asia

Neither Bills nor deposits offset inflation

Income tax collection falls by 34%

Business success, sharing responsabilities

Geopolitics: who has the debt, has the power

What underpins the value of Bitcoin?

We keep complaining, but “we” are richer than ever

The eurozone's spiralling public debt

How to avoid impulsive shopping?

‘Funflation’': the new 'carpe diem'?

History of banking in Catalonia

Five tips for a dignified retirement

Impact of the NextGeneration EU funds in Catalonia

Has Saudi Arabia turned its back on the dollar?

De-dollarisation: a rising trend

How do insurers make money?

What is the natural law theory?

What is fractional-reserve banking?

How to respond to natural disasters

When your car talks to your insurance

Sustainable economy, what is it?

Economic well-being: beyond GDP

The power map: a $94 trillion world

The booming circular economy

Where does all the lottery money go?

The Federal Reserve’s role in the global economy

Is economic degrowth feasible?

The future of the New Silk Road

United States: world's largest oil producer

Can the "PIGS" lead the EU?

It is time to reindustrialise the European Union

Is inflation here to stay?

The return of the commie bogeyman

The price of gold sets a new all-time high

How international conflicts affect you

What would happen if the dollar lost its hegemony?

The US economy is at risk of stagflation

Why drought drives up inflation

Are we on the verge of a new world order?

Africa: kicking out Western colonialism

Nine historical disagreements Catalonia-Spain

Barcelona accounts for over 35% of the Catalan GDP

Europe's decline in the world

FedNow: a move towards the digital dollar?

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