Conscious consumption: key to changing the world

Territori 17: the rise of PV self-consumption

The electric car comes to a grinding halt

The economy depends on biodiversity

As consumers, do we encourage slavery?

How to respond to natural disasters

Sustainable economy, what is it?

Does Catalonia give up food sovereignty?

How to behave in nature, deep-rooted civic values

Extreme Weather leads in Global Risks 2024

How to calculate and reduce your carbon footprint

The European Union can't eat tanks

Why drought drives up inflation

The EU reinforces the right to repair

What is the real carbon footprint of our emails?

How much does freight transport pollute?

Microplastics find their way into our bloodstream

Gold, a staple in a 'green' investment portfolio

The fight against plastic oceans

Is a 100% renewable energy model possible?

Gold, an unexpected recycling ally

Urban mining: a precarious sustainability

Ten keys to achieving climate balance

Composting slurry, the sustainable solution

Water, an essential good in private hands

Clean hydrogen, a real alternative?

Christmas is also a time for recycling

Learn to cook, learn to repurpose

A sustainable Christmas is in our hands

“Buy the clothes you like, but make them last”

Carbon markets to reduce pollution

Would you pay more for sustainable tourism?

Hydrogen cars: the ultimate alternative?

How to pay 15 times less for the water you drink

AI, the great ally of sustainable development

EU: combustion engine ban at a standstill

Warning banks about their environmental impact

Banking and energy: a close relationship

Davos: the epitome of virtue-signalling

Energia: who is delaying the energy transition?

Emporarom: Empordanese essences

What is sustainable construction?

11Onze to Energia: eco-friendly gifts


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View 2 comments
  1. Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

    Ben dit, Jordi, alguns canvis haurem de fer en el nostre dia…

Christmas cooking with chef Adrià Subirana

Energia: for a conscious Christmas

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