How to pay 15 times less for the water you drink

If you are concerned about the water your family drinks, you probably carry hundreds of bottles of mineral water each year, costing you more than 1,000 euros. By putting a filter on your tap, you can still enjoy quality water, reduce your water bill by 15 times, help the planet and save yourself headaches and backaches.


Saving doesn’t necessarily mean depriving yourself of a lot of things. It often means avoiding unnecessary cost overruns on essential products. That’s why 11Onze Essentials was created, so you can cut costs on products you can’t do without.

The first of these products available at the 11Onze website is related to water, the essential liquid of life. You need to drink two litres a day, and we usually end up buying a huge amount of bottles, with the consequent environmental impact due to the plastic waste.

A family of four drinks an average of 2,920 litres of water per year. This means a minimum expenditure of 1,196 euros if we check the prices of the most popular 1.5 litre bottles in the main supermarkets in Spain and take the average.

In environmental terms, this consumption means more than 60 kg of plastic dumped on the planet and a similar amount of CO₂ emitted into the atmosphere during manufacture and transport. 


More than a thousand euros in savings

Is it possible to drink good quality, good tasting water, save money and help preserve the planet? The answer is yes. As simple as replacing bottled water consumption with filtered water. The Tapp Water filter, which is made of 70% from coconut shells, captures up to 100 substances that can be found in tap water, including heavy metals.

In terms of economic savings, the simple installation of this filter, which does not require any tools, is equivalent to a saving of more than 1,100 euros per year for a family of four. From almost 1,200 euros for the purchase of bottled water to less than 90 euros.

The kit with the filter and the necessary refills for the annual consumption costs 79.99 euros. And you only have to add less than 10 euros of tap water consumption, taking into account that the average price of tap water in Spain is approximately 0.0019 euros per litre and that you can filter up to 4,800 litres with the Tapp Water annual pack.

The planet also gets less plastic and CO₂

In addition, you can save the environment around 1,947 of plastic bottles that you don’t have to carry home and 63 kg of CO₂. And you also ensure that your water is free of the microplastics that can be released from plastic containers when they degrade due to environmental heat, and which have been shown to already be present in our bloodstream. 

All Tapp Water products undergo stringent quality tests before being shipped to customers, and therefore come with a one-year guarantee.


If you want to discover how to drink the best water, save money and help the planet, go to 11Onze Essentials.

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  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:

    ostres, interessant això em servirà per rendibilitzar més vé l’aigua, gràciess bon article!

    • Oriol Garcia FarréOriol Garcia Farré says:

      Sempre és positiu aportar coneixement utilitzable a la comunitat, Joan. Seguim a La Plaça!

      9 months ago
  2. Pere SorianoPere Soriano says:
  3. Antoni Maria Gavarró FerrerAntoni Maria Gavarró Ferrer says:
    Antoni Maria

    Para la pena si disposem d’un equip descalcificador i filtratge per carbó actiu amb osmosi inversa?

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Si ho tens, ja estàs cobert, en tot cas et serviria per filtrar encara més l’aigua que tu, amb l’osmosi, ja hauries de tenir prou bé… I pel que fa al descalcificador entenc que també ho has de tenir com cal, ara bé, hi han marques que tenen millors prestacions que d’altres, i ets tu quí millor ha de saber com et funcionen a tu els teus sistemes de filtratge d’aigua. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Antoni!!!

      2 years ago
  4. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Molt bona proposal. M’ho miraré per tal de decidir-ne la seua aplicació. Merci!

    • Pilar Oltra Vigueras says:

      Encantats d’atendre’t amb qualsevol cosa que vulguis preguntar. Gràcies, Jordi.

      2 years ago
  5. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Dona q pensar, gràcies!!!!!!

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Oi tant que sí, és tal qual, aprofitem millor l’aigua que ja tenim de la companya subministradora d’aigua i fem un bé a la natura perquè no haurem de consumir tant plàstic. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Manel!!!

      2 years ago
  6. Pere Maria EstremPere Maria Estrem says:
    Pere Maria

    Interessant l’estalvi econòmic, de plàstic i CO2. Bona iniciativa.

    • Silvia Granado says:

      Gràcies Pere, apostem per l’estalvi i per la sostenibilitat.

      2 years ago

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