Energy: “at 11Onze we want to be sustainable”
The COP27 summit has highlighted the importance of a sustainable economy. In this episode of Energia, Eduard Berraondo talks to Laura Bunyol, 11Onze agent, about what is meant by a sustainable economy and good resource management.
It is no secret that the current socio-economic model, based on unlimited growth in a society that consumes resources at a higher rate than nature generates, is unsustainable. The development of policies aimed at energy transition, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, has moved from rhetoric to reality.
Even so, there is still a long way to go, whether it is facilitating the transformation of the production model of existing companies, creating new businesses through the promotion of sustainable activities, or investing in innovation and education to spur this process of change.
The importance of taking care of economic sustainability
As Bunyol states, “efficient resource management is essential in order not to waste our planet’s natural resources“, i.e. the pattern of economic growth has to make rational use of natural resources, reconciling social and environmental aspects with a productive economy.
The revolution of the financial system based on companies using new technologies will play a major role in this energy transformation. Society is more aware of this need to “make a paradigm shift towards a circular economy model“, and continues, “at 11Onze we want to be more sustainable, create a community and work with friendly companies that share our users’ interest in caring for the environment”.
In this context, 11Onze Essentials is a good example of how you can offer ecological and economical alternatives to basic products for everyday use, committing to a sustainable lifestyle to meet the needs of our community.
If you want to discover how to drink the best water, save money and help the planet, go to 11Onze Essentials.
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Gràcies Laura!!!!
Molt bona entrevista
Genial Laura 🙏🏿
Un plaer Joan!
Gràcies, Laure per les teves pinzellades! Entre tots aconseguirem el canvi tant urgent de model econòmic que necessita el nostre planeta!
A tu Oriol!
Anem aprenent I d’aquesta manera contribuint a la sostenibilitat
Gràcies Laura
I tantes coses que ens falten per aprendre!! Sempre activats i conscients Alicia
Molt bona entrevista 👏👏👏, prompte o tard cal ser sostenible, encara que millor d’hora, però si no s’aconsegueix d’hora cal seguir insistint i defendre la economia circular i sostenible, començant per la gestió de recursos per no malbaratar les matèries primeres finites de la nostra Terra. Seguim!👌
Gràcies Jordi, amb un bon propòsit i pensant cada passa per no caminar en va. Cal més consciència i coneixement!!