Marketplace, the shopping centre in your home
Just like a shopping centre, a marketplace describes the platform, in this case a digital one, where companies and consumers exchange products and money. An old concept that is taking on new life thanks to new technologies.
Virtually all consumers have become familiar with online shopping, especially in the wake of the pandemic. And most do so through marketplace platforms where the range of products on offer is wider, and they can therefore filter by price, the best value for money, or even be guided by user reviews.
The marketplace concept goes beyond shopping centres: brands are multiplying, price competition is fiercer and the days of poor quality products are numbered, as consumers are the main voice of the platform.
What does the marketplace offer?
The growth and consolidation of these platforms has reached its peak during the pandemic. Users especially value the possibility of shopping from home, being able to do so at any time, without having to travel and avoiding crowds, a key point at the present time.
But more than just as a consequence of the pandemic, why has the marketplace purchasing system increased so significantly? What advantages does it bring for the customer and for companies? Do we know the risks?
The rise of the marketplace in figures
The agency “Elogia”, a specialist in digital commerce, concluded in its annual study that the marketplace was the most used means of purchase in 2020, and the trend continues to rise:
- 72% of internet users between the ages of 16 and 70 shop online, especially in the 35-44 age bracket.
- 70% of online shoppers use marketplaces to find information and compare products.
- 8 out of 10 users end up buying on the platform.
- They shop an average of 3.5 times a month.
- Spending is €68 on average, although during the pandemic it increased by 51%.
- Computers (83%) and mobile phones (55%) are the main purchasing devices.
- Mobile devices, household appliances and technology are the top-selling products.
Despite the fact that some of these platforms are criticised for ethical issues or working conditions, their turnover continues to grow, pending the figures that reflect this year’s shopping trend.
11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!
Gràcies, Manel!!!
Sí, el marketplace es fonamental 👏👏👏
Tal com el seu nom indica, si hi vas és per fer negoci!
Bona explicació Jordi Sánchez! M’ha agradat que l’hagis fet des del punt de vista d’un negoci que se’l pugui plantejar com a canal de venda. M’ha semblat un anàlisi molt interessant i complet.
Gràcies, Josep, a nosaltres també ens agrada donar aquest servei! Cada dia creix el Marketplace i esperem que ens beneficiï a tots i totes.
Gràcies. Molt bona tasca.
Gràcies a tu, Anna. Seguim a La Plaça.
Cada cop se que fins ara estava molt mal informat, trobo que la tasca que esteu fent tots plegats es estupenda i ens ajuda molt a persones com jo, moltes gracies.
A tu Ramon per haver entrat a la plaça! Estigui atent a les noves novetats!
Aquí estem! Fa més d’ un any que treballem en Amazcat. Centenars de comerços catalans ja s’estan registrant i pujant els seus productes. Aviat, podreu fer les vostres compres al marketplace de proximitat català.
Molt interessant, Joan. 👍
Molt interessant! Us buscaré perque m’interessa vendre.
Gracies per la informació
Gràcies a tu, Joan per seguir-nos. Ens veiem per La Plaça.
Molt entenedor 👍
Perfecte Josep, ens encanta que ho vegis així, aquesta és la intenció. Ens veiem a La Plaça.
Aprendre que es el marketpkace i com funciona ha estat bé, jo l’utilizo pero he d’admetre que no sabia el concepte
Li trobo una pega cal que estiguis a casa per rebre el producte, hi haurien d’haver més llocs fisics on anar-lo a buscar i/o rebre’l, no sempre estàs a casa
Gràcies Jordi
Tota la raó Alícia, fora bo que hi hagués més punts de recollida, ens apuntem aquest bon consell. Ens veiem a La Plaça.