Digitalisation: the biggest challenge for SMEs

Accelerating digitalisation has been one of the most important challenges for SMEs during the pandemic. The data say that 70% of companies in Spain have been digitalised during the pandemic, according to the consulting firm IPG. This means that 7 out of 10 have opened an online store.


While many SMEs have been thinking about digitalisation for years and it was one of the outstanding issues, the pandemic has accelerated and made many companies go online in record time and, probably thanks to this, they have not had to close.  A company with less than 250 employees whose turnover does not exceed 5 million Euro is considered an SME.

The cost of digitalisation 

When an SME searches the internet for a way to go digital, it will probably come up with many offers and very cheap prices from companies that are dedicated to this task. It can even buy a domain, which will cost less, as you can have one for €10 a year. It can also find many pages that provide with templates and, if it is accompanied by images, it can make a website on its own.

But, as the saying goes, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

There are many elements to consider when creating an e-commerce. It depends on the business you have, whether you have an extensive catalogue, whether you work internationally, or if you constantly have new products. The best thing to do when digitalising your business is to hire an agency to help you get this big project up and running. There are many things to keep in mind, and having a good  e-commerce that works perfectly and that does not have errors will be the key to success.

Things to keep in mind

Before launching an online store, keep in mind:

  1. Make an analysis of the competition: surf the internet (visit websites and social networks).
  2. Make an analysis of the own company: identify your own e-commerce. Decide if it can be done by the company’s staff or if external help is needed, for example, an agency specialising in web pages. 
  3. Take into account the stipulated time required to make a web page, as there may always be some surprise. Therefore, the launch date of the business must not be shared with the networks until it is 100% sure.
  4. Once the website is up and running, it needs to be constantly updated.
  5. You must be very fast: when a user asks about a product or service, you must answer as soon as possible because, otherwise, there is a risk that they may end up buying it elsewhere.

The pandemic has changed consumer habits, and it has also made it clear that if you want to keep the business going, you need to have an online site for potential customers to find and see what is offered.

We are in the age of omnichannelity, and you need to have the ability to satisfy both a customer who buys in the physical store and a customer who buys online, through a phone call, through an email, or even through the social media of the business.

The past 

Years ago, it was unthinkable that a company could earn customers with a website. Until then, the usual technique for getting buyers was having a sales team that, along with a marketing strategy, did what is called “cold calling”, that is, selling the product or service from scratch. This commercial task, on many occasions, could last for weeks or months. 

The present  

Today, when you open a business, even if services are offered, you need to have a website where potential customers can see what is being offered, what has been done, the team that makes up the company, and an essential thing, its business philosophy (mission and vision). With just this information, the potential customer can get an idea of who they are.

Apparently, it may seem much easier to reach the customer through a website than doing it with a sales team, but it’s not quite that good. It’s not all about having a website. Social media is another tool that must be kept in mind in today’s society, which is permanently connected.

During the pandemic, companies have had to digitalise their businesses. This has been the only way to earn income. The data tells us that 7 out of 10 companies that did not have an e-commerce before the confinement had to go digital if they didn’t want to close the business. The food, fashion, electronics, beauty, and household products sectors are the ones that have benefited the most from having taken this step.


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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Sí, la digitalització cada cop es més imprescindible

    • Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

      Faran falta més suports per accedir a la Matrix, perquè el telèfon se’ns farà petit! jaja

      2 years ago
  2. Laude PuigLaude Puig says:

    Jo més aviat diria que ara per ara el repte més important que tenen les PYMES actualment és sobreviure a la crisi econòmica generada per la pandèmia. En breu, els ICOs s’hauran de començar a pagar. Veure’m qui pot i qui no pot asumir-ho.

    • AlbertAlbert Chic Giménez says:

      Molt cert, Laude! De tota manera, la digitalització ha estat un bon suport en l’actual crisi i, fins i tot, ha permès moltes empreses de “reinventar-se”.

      3 years ago
  3. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  4. Laia Macià PlazaLaia Macià Plaza says:

    Quan vull comprar alguna cosa, primer miro les característiques dels productes per internet, però no compro online, prefereixo fer-ho en una botiga física si és possible. Això em va bé perquè evito compres excessivament impulsives i, a la vegada, penso que contribueixo a mantenir les botigues obertes, ja que si ens passem tots a comprar per internet, acabarem tenint molts magatzems i pocs comerços.

    • Marc Jara Gimeno says:

      Molt interessants les teves reflexions, Laia. La botiga física ens dona uns serveis únics. Però com ve dius, la digitalització ens dona l’avantatge de consultar prèviament els productes i fins i tot trobar i decidir on comprar-los. Gràcies pel comentari, Laia.

      4 years ago
  5. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    He de reconeixe que encara m’agrada ansr a la botiga, al mercat però també faig us de la compra digital, ja que segons quibes coses no em cal veure-les previament
    Per exemple les sabates i la roba em costa tot i que posin les talles sempre es un fiasco

    • Silvia Granado says:

      Molt d’acord amb tu Alicia, hi ha coses que és millor anar a la botiga, provar-ho i veure realment com són, hi ha d’altres productes que és còmode fer la compra a través d’un mòbil i rebre’l a casa. Tenim la sort de poder fer ús d’ambdues.

      4 years ago

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