La Plaça’s search engine, an intelligent compass
When our community wants to wander around La Plaça, it’s easy. At the top of the website, in the menu, 11Onze provides a search engine that is like an elastic and intelligent compass. As we search, we will increase its potential. Can’t find the article, lesson, or video you’re looking for? Use it!
At 11Onze we have a community that makes content its mainstay. And that’s not just for the sake of it. The articles, videos, lessons, and audiovisual content are the framework that makes La Plaça possible, because they forge links, incentivise debate between users and invite dialogue. In short, La Plaça is the agora that allows all freedoms to be exercised, but to do so, it needs us to share stories, to build our story together.
La Plaça, then, is like a great sea that can be navigated at different levels: we can glide through it, we can swim, or we can dive. That’s why, on the one hand, there is the audiovisual content that our 11Onze agents prepare with ideas, tips, and suggestions. On the other hand, there are extensive current affairs articles in the Magazine, which explain the global context in which we live, which gives us clues as to where we are going and which make 11Onze known to the world. And, finally, there are the more in-depth productions, those that allow us to go deeper, such as the lessons in the Learn section or the audiovisuals on 11Onze TV. To learn how to navigate through it, we have created a search engine.
Optimising searches, building a world
The 11Onze search engine is quite special. It is technically designed so that all the searches we do are optimised. What does this mean? As users in the community search for content, the search engine sorts, classifies, and prioritises the queries and gives relevance to those results that are most commonly searched for. This is how the Google search engine works. With this optimisation, searches are therefore more efficient.
In addition to providing increasingly efficient results, the search engine also lists the results according to their format, whether articles, lessons, audiovisual content, or other content. Community users can therefore choose, at a glance, how thoroughly they want to browse La Plaça. In short, the 11Onze search engine promotes the most common searches and then gives users the freedom to consume the information the way they want.
Creating synergies, expanding knowledge
The contents and the search engine are not in vain, they create synergies, and they have to help the community broaden its knowledge. But they are also useful for the 11Onze team to get to know its customers. Thanks to the searches, the fincom detects users’ needs and can target its product, its services, its strategy, and its communication.
This search engine is therefore a useful tool for activating the community business model. Such a compass is only within the reach of truly native digital companies that have to manage a large volume of data and understand that this is key to helping their communities, such as Wallapop, Amazon, or Google.
As 11Onze has made a real commitment to the community, it is essential that users learn in an agile and swift way, and find the information that is right for them when it is right for them. Because if we waste the customer’s time, we lose the ability to serve them correctly. So go for it: the more we use the search engine, the better results we will get.
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Comencen a cercar.
S’agilitza molt ara que tenim tanta matèria. Seguim.
Ho anirem fent servir més i més …
És una molt bona eina, intentem fer millora contínua constant, gràcies, Gabriel.
Gracies per tot el que feu.👍
Gràcies a tu per formar part de la Comunitat 11Onze, Carme .
Força més còmode, gràcies!
Moltes gràcies Rosa 💛
Bona idea
Moltes gràcies, Ricard!
Molt bona idea gràcies
Molt agraïts que t’agradi la idea, Alícia! Que tinguis molt bon diumenge!
Un cercador una bona eina per moure per La Plaça
Gràcies, Francesc pel teu comentari, en veiem per La Plaça
Ok 👍
Molt bona solució!.
Poc a poc anar creixent i millorant.
Ànims i força al canut!
Millorar per créixer, David! Seguim a La Plaça.
Una aposta moderna i digital, enriquidora i empoderant al ciutadà!! Amb ganes ja de fer créixer aquest projecte
Moltes gràcies, Laura! Treballem dia a dia per fer-ho possible. Seguim a La Plaça!
Impacient per rebre email i descarregar el
Moltes gràcies Sergi, ja falta menys 💛
Gràcies, Joan, Ens veiem per La Plaça.