Getting a job with a video CV

Looking for a job through social networks is a common practice for many candidates. In recent years, companies have turned to these new digital formats that allow access to more information about candidates in a quick and easy way. In this area, the video CV format is here to stay, and aims to help and save time and interviews for both businesses and candidates.


According to a report by the job portal Infojobs, 62% of recruitment is done through online channels, mostly on specialised job portals. They are closely followed by social networks, which are progressively gaining ground in this area thanks to the proximity and transparency they offer, linked to the ease of contact with the candidate. All in all, 23% of companies already rely on social networks to recruit employees.

The recruitment channels are changing, and so is the format and language of applications. In this new paradigm, the classic CV takes second place and the video CV format appears and grows strongly.


Three minutes of video and a 40% greater chance of being hired

The video-curriculum is simple: include a two to three-minute video of yourself in your application, in which you summarise your career and explain your motivation for future challenges. Specialised internet portals estimate that a video CV can increase your chances of being hired by more than 40%. This format was created to complement the traditional CV and, although it will never replace it, it does help to reinforce it, as it allows you to transmit what written words cannot express.

To begin with, it favours the candidate’s creativity, both in the format of the video and in the speech, and allows for the assessment of communication skills and the ability to capture the interviewer’s attention. It also highlights aspects of non-verbal communication that are key to getting to know a person, such as enthusiasm, tone of voice, confidence, attention to detail, and gestures.


Your professional profile starts on social networks

Social networks are the epicentre of content, be it entertainment or work-related. If you are looking for a job, the first thing you have to take into account is that businesses review candidates’ social networks and even discard applications for this reason. The most used platform to evaluate candidates is LinkedIn, where 85% of companies analyse candidates. The next is Facebook, used by 78% of companies, followed by Instagram with 52% and Twitter with 27%, according to Infojobs data from 2020.

In the near future, TikTok, the social network par excellence for video content, will have to be added to the list. Since last year, the company has started a pilot test with businesses in the United States to incorporate a new functionality to upload presentation videos for users, which will also facilitate the research process for companies. Following its methodology, the range of tools to incorporate into the videos will be as extensive as we can imagine, with music, filters, video editing, stickers… so, at this point, imagination to the power!


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:

    Gràcies molt bon article, el tindré en compte a l’hora de trobar feina!

  2. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Hem d’utilitzar tota la tecnològica q tenim al nostre abast per tal de potenciar la nostre candidatura

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Cert, Manel, i el videocurrículum és una opció més a les nostres mans… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!!!

      2 years ago

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