Raul Arribas, new CTO of 11Onze

In a globalised world, where cybercrime and industrial espionage are a daily occurrence, organising a technological strategy that protects your company and your customers is more than just an important task: it is essential. That is why 11Onze has hired Raul Arribas as chief technology officer.


Arribas has a degree in computer engineering and has been advancing his career in the digital sector since he started as a programmer. Since then, he has led engineering, IT, and cybersecurity projects for leading platforms such as Amazon, Glovo, and Blueliv. At 11Onze, as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), he is in charge of setting the company’s guidelines and providing a vision. The most immediate challenge: the launch of the super app El Canut on 1 October.


  • What does it mean to set the technological direction of a fintech like 11Onze?

The CTO has an executive position. On the one hand, he or she has to organise and shape the technical team. On the other, it involves making a series of choices, such as which programming languages we will use, which technology platforms will support us, and where our data will reside, among others.


  • Why is technology so important when setting up a startup?

You have to understand that nowadays almost all modern companies are technological. So a community financial institution, is also technological, obviously. Technology has to be an integral part of the business, and at 11Onze it is a core part of the business. In fact, I would say that in a fincom it is even more important because you have to give absolute security to customers. Trust is at stake. When you have to execute complex digital transactions, cybersecurity has to be an almost obsessive concern, because malware is the order of the day. Cybercrime is a big money business and any company is vulnerable. That’s why every step you take technologically is extremely important, and you take it always thinking about security. This is what we do at 11Onze.


  • 2021 has seen an all-time record number of cyber-attacks. Has the pandemic had anything to do with it?

Yes, I’m sure it has because the Covid-19 health crisis has disrupted the way the entire working environment works. We have had to adapt by force. The transition has been made from one day to the next. And many companies have had neither the mindset nor the knowledge to protect employees who are working remotely. At the end of the day, employees are connecting to company systems from internet accounts that may not be entirely secure and on networks they cannot trust. This has left these companies unprotected: you risk being infected by malware, having your systems blocked, having your private data stolen, having your credit cards forged… Technology companies like 11Onze are used to dealing with the risks of teleworking and cyber-sabotage, but traditional companies are not.


  • So what are the risks for a fincom like 11Onze?

There are many competitors who are willing to obtain the confidential information you generate. And there are also many players in the cybercrime industry who want to get their hands on this information to sell it to the highest bidder. At 11Onze, not only do we make sure that this doesn’t happen, but the entire technological structure has been designed from the outset to be as secure as this. Customers can rest assured that no private information is leaked.


  • So what is done to protect a company from the outset?

Without going into technical details, the two essential tasks to protect it are good encryption of information and good access control, both of stored data and of communications between the different services.


  • How important is it to protect communications, even via email, which seems such a harmless tool?

Google Mail, for example, processes and stores the information you exchange. We have to trust that it stores everything in an anonymised form, but in the end, it does this to find out what is of interest to a specific segment of the population and then sells advertising. On the other hand, encrypted email addresses, such as those provided by a platform like Protonmail, for example, ensure that only you know what is going on inside your mailbox.


  • In addition to account security, 11Onze will have a marketplace for its digital currency, Les Peles. How does a cryptocurrency gain value?

For the time being, at La Plaça, Les Peles are internal tokens, meaning that when they are activated they can only be exchanged within the network itself. Whether a cryptocurrency increases in value depends on many interrelated factors: how useful it is, how many people use it and for what purpose, the mining power of the network, the functionalities it offers…


  • After the launch of El Canut, what is the big challenge for 11Onze in the short term?

In the mindset of innovation that 11Onze is in right now, the most important thing after the launch will be how to grow the super app, to see what functionalities we can add to offer customers better and better services.


Want an 11Onze account? Order batch in Get in line. With the code we’ll give you, you can open an account on October 1st.

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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Enhorabona Raul Arribas!Molta força!!estem amb tu!💪

  2. Laura León AmatLaura León Amat says:

    És que ho volem tot gratis sempre!!!
    Si cal seguretat, altavrwcnolofia, confiança i bon equip algun petit cost ha de tenir manté ir tot això… Bé que paguem subscripcions.per escoltar música, llegir premsa o llibres o usar Apps diverses. Amb ganes ja de remenar el Canut

  3. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:
  4. Raül Martínez i CamposRaül Martínez i Campos says:

    Gràcies company no s’havia que ara ets a aquí, això em dona confiança.. per cert si em necessites ja saps on soc 😉😉😉

  5. Vicenç ClascàVicenç Clascà says:

    Ja ho tenim a tocar.

  6. Carles Mesegué riusCarles Mesegué rius says:

    De moment, imposible accedir a la “super” app.

  7. Oscar MirOscar Mir says:

    Acabo de veure els preus, crec que 2,95 e al més, farà que molta gent seu pensi. No ho sé, és la primera impressió, voldria equivocar-me.

    • Jennifer Roca Civit says:

      Ser una fintech ètica, no significa que sigui gratuïta, el que implica és que el client en tot moment serà informat de quins costos repercutiran en vosaltres. Esperem i desitgem ser del teu interès, Òscar. Ens veiem per La Plaça!

      3 years ago
  8. Raul ArribasRaul Arribas says:

    Moltes gràcies a vosaltres per la rebuda!

  9. Francesc Estafanell PujolFrancesc Estafanell Pujol says:
    Francesc de Borja

    Molt bo l’article. D’una forma entenedora explica els grans eixos de la ciberseguretat i com els implementarà 11onze. A poc més de 24h de la inauguració…nervis i expectació

    • Jennifer Roca Civit says:

      Bon dia, Francesc! Avui és el gran dia! Gràcies per valorar tant la nostra feina i sentir 11Onze des de tan a prop. Ens veiem per la Plaça!

      3 years ago
  10. Pere SorianoPere Soriano says:

    Gràcies per tota la informació. És molt important que tinguem present tot els esforços que dediqueu al projecte. Bona feina.

    • Jennifer Roca Civit says:

      Moltes gràcies per valorar la nostra feina, Pere. Que tinguis molt bon divendres!

      3 years ago
  11. Gabriel JosidGabriel Josid says:

    Molta sort! Impacients per l’u d’octubre!

  12. Laura CarlúsLaura Carlús says:

    Moltíssimes gràcies Raul 🙏

  13. Laura CarlúsLaura Carlús says:

    Gràcies Raul 🙏

  14. Xavier TarridaXavier Tarrida says:

    Bones vibracions amb totes les explicacions que he llegit, vídeos que he vist i podcasts que he escoltat.
    I amb ganes de que el projecte iniciï una nova fase el dia 1OCT amb la App El Canut.

  15. Ricard Calvo VilanovaRicard Calvo Vilanova says:
  16. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  17. Lluís UrpíLluís Urpí says:

    A l’oficina els ‘tokens’ són uns aparells que et donen una clau d’accés, diria que aleatòria. Veig que aquí, el terme no té res a veure.

  18. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Llegir-ho et dona tranquilitat de que estem amb bones mans,bona feina

  19. James SeneJames Sene says:

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