Litigation Funding in the international press
Leading publications in the international fintech community echo the launch of Litigation Funding, which 11Onze recommends. TheFintechTimes and FintechFinanceNews from the UK are joined for the first time by OxNews from China and Technewscomboost from India.
11Onze enters the litigation funding arena in the UK with Litigation Funding from 11Onze Recommends, which promises to shield savings from inflation devaluation. Explaining the rationale behind the launch, James Sène, chairman, said: “Our litigation funds are mainly focused on lawsuits against banks. This not only helps in seeking justice; it also offers great returns on your savings above inflation, thanks to the compensation the banks will have to pay.”
You can read the articles and mentions here:
Fund lawsuits against banks. Get justice done and returns on your savings above inflation thanks to the compensation the banks will have to pay. All the information about Litigation Funding can be found at 11Onze Recommends.
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Interessant article.
Moltes gràcies, Pere!!!
Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Aquest producte te molt bona pinta. A part d’aquest producte i de l’or, on puc veure la resta de productes de l’Onze?
Gràcies, Jordi, i sí, és un bon producte. Els pots veure a aquesta web, a on diu Marketplace, obrint el desplegable. Aviat hi hauran nous productes, hi estem treballant internament i aniran sortint paulatinament. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jordi!!!
Gràcies equip 11Onze, per l’esforç de cercar nous productes per la comunicat.
Gràcies a tu, Manel, pel teu suport, que ens esperona a continuar esforçant-nos a fer-ho cada cop millor.