Litigation Funding: high returns & social justice
Litigation Funding, which 11Onze Recommends, is simplified and adds housing claims. It achieves returns of between 9% and 11% for a minimum contribution of €10,000.
At the request of its community, 11Onze has worked to get its UK provider to offer the best conditions on one of the products that 11Onze Recommends: Litigation Funding. What are the improvements?
A simplified calculation
Litigation Funding will provide a fixed annual return. Until now, the return was calculated according to the average inflation rate in Spain during the period of the litigation. To make the calculations simpler, the returns will now range from 9% to 11% depending on the amount contributed.
More affordable access
Until now, Litigation Funding was designed for people who could contribute a minimum capital of €25,000. Now, however, the entry barrier has been lowered to allow savers from €10,000 to participate. In the case of the minimum contribution, however, the duration of the contract is two years at 9% per annum.
Social housing claims
In the UK, if you live in rented social housing that is in poor condition, the law requires the landlord to make repairs to ensure a decent standard of living. But the UK has the oldest housing stock in Europe, as many of the buildings were built during the industrial revolution and the Victorian era. Although these dwellings are appreciated for their aesthetic features, their age requires a conservation and maintenance effort that is not always carried out.
Many of these dwellings are owned by local councils or Social Housing Associations, which are creating a grievance for tenants with few resources.
Profit and social justice
Litigation Funding that 11Onze Recommends is a social justice product because it lets us finance lawsuits against banks and institutions that abuse citizens. Right now, our UK provider is arranging litigation funding with a win rate of over 90%. This is due to the fact that many large banks have been proven to have committed illegal practices against their clients and have had to provide more than 60 billion euros. For their part, municipalities are responsible for having neglected their social housing, causing damage to tenants who will have to be compensated. Litigation Funding, which 11Onze recommends, enables these claims to be pursued by financing the court cases of the pertinent law firm. In return, the profits are shared between the plaintiffs and those who finance the lawsuits.
Safer and more profitable?
Litigation Funding is a product that in the short term, for 1 or 2 years depending on the amount, generates high returns, between 9% and 11%, well above the average of Spanish investment funds (1.91% average return in the last 15 years) or the returns of the accounts offered by Apple to its American clients. Apple offers 4.5% while the minimum return of Litigation Funding is double this amount. In any case, it is a low-risk product because the capital contributed by the litigation is insured with an AM Best insurance that fully covers it, regardless of the amount contributed.
If you want to find out how to get returns on your savings with a social justice product, 11Onze recommends Litigation Funding.
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Es el millor de la banca guanyant i alhora ajudar a guanyar a la banca
Poder s’acabarà allò de la banca sempre guanya
Moltes gràcies per la teva reflexió, Alícia!
Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Gràcies, per aportar nous productes i pensar en la comunitat💛
Gràcies a tu, Manel, per ser-hi i per seguir-nos!!!