Gold as a safe-haven asset against inflation

Beginnings are never easy. But when you are up against a lobby as powerful as the traditional banks, they are especially complicated. This is what Oriol Tafanell, financial director of 11Onze, revealed in Estat de la Nació. The executive highlights the confidence generated among customers during the first year of 11Onze and recommends the purchase of gold to counter inflation.


In an interview on the Estat de la Nació programme, Oriol Tafanell highlights two major milestones in the balance of the first anniversary of 11Onze. On the one hand, the trust generated among customers, since after one year of existence “people believe in the 11Onze’s team”. On the other hand, getting over all the obstacles that have been placed in our way, “which have been many, especially by the traditional banking sector.”

Some of these obstacles can be seen in the documentary ‘In a few days’, which from 23 April is available exclusively at La Plaça and explains “what has happened during last year.”

A golden opportunity to counter inflation

On a future rise in interest rates by the European Central Bank, 11Onze’s financial director explains that it will be a measure “to fight inflation”. And he recalls that the 11Onze team had already predicted a few months ago that “there would be an inflationary crisis,” which reinforces its “credibility.”

In this regard, Tafanell stresses that 11Onze has enabled members of its community to invest in gold through Preciosos 11Onze “to protect their savings” when “no one else makes it possible for an ordinary person to buy gold” as an investment. 11Onze’s CFO also stresses the importance of the concept of “community” in the business model, as everything it does is “community-based”, including gold purchases.


If you want to discover the best option to protect your savings, enter Preciosos 11Onze. We will help you buy at the best price the safe-haven asset par excellence: physical gold.

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  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  2. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Fa goig formar part d’aquesta gran comunitat d’11Onze

    • Mònica Cornudella says:

      Gràcies, Manuel! Volem continuar creixent i mirar endavant per i amb vosaltres. Continuem endavant!

      2 years ago

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