“Gold is a protection”
In times of rampant inflation we have to look for ways to protect our savings. And this is what 11Onze has done: we have launched 11Onze Precious to help our community buy gold. Jordi Sánchez, 11Onze’s product owner, answers all your questions in a new episode of Ens Interessa.
Far from the stereotype, which associates the purchase of gold —often family jewellery— with extreme necessity, the central banks of major world powers, such as China and India, are buying gold to protect their reserves in the face of a possible global debt crisis. This is why it is important, says Sánchez, to differentiate very clearly between buying gold for consumption and as an asset investment and buying physical gold for savings, which is what 11Onze proposes with Preciosos 11Onze.
“When you realise that governments are already making these purchases, then you think that the confidence that until now was towards currencies such as the dollar is perhaps not the same… These governments are thinking about a very stable asset such as gold,” argues the 11Onze’s product owner. And why shouldn’t citizens have the same opportunities as the great world powers?
A safe haven value on the rise
During the last three years of the pandemic, the value of gold has risen by 40%. But why does everyone feel so confident about the evolution of the value of gold? “It’s a question of confidence. We have to see a precious metal like gold not only as protection, but also as a long-term investment, an asset that forms part of our wealth,” Sánchez says.
And he exemplifies this with data: “If we analyse the historical evolution of gold beyond these three years of pandemic, which have been the most outstanding of the last ten years, we can see that, despite some specific moments of correction, gold is a true safe haven, a safe value.” At La Plaça we have picked up on this evolution.
A reliable service
With Preciosos 11Onze, the fincom is making it easier for its community to buy an unparalleled safe-haven asset. All information about the Preciosos 11Onze service is available at La Plaça. With the help of an 11Onze agent, customers will have two options when it comes to safekeeping their purchase: keep the asset at home or hire a security service to take care of it.
“Personally, I would recommend that the safekeeping is done through a security company, which has many years of experience. This material comes with all the documentation, an attachment and certified packaging that confirms the purity of the gold. We also recommend that, if the asset is kept at home, the piece is never handled, so that we can be sure that we can sell it at a later date,” Sánchez says.
A sum of advantages
One advantage to bear in mind, Sánchez adds, is that there is no VAT to pay when buying the metal. In addition, during the years that the asset is held in custody, no specific tax is payable. “And, when we decide to sell it, the capital gain we have obtained will be paid in capital gains or capital losses,” summarises the head of the 11Onze product team.
“In the end, what we want at 11Onze is for our community to be able to buy gold at the best possible price. As when it comes to acquiring all this metal, we do it for a whole community, 11Onze will have many more advantages and better conditions, which will be passed on to the customer,” Sánchez concludes. This is the big difference between going it alone or transforming collectively.
If you want to discover the best option to protect your savings, enter Preciosos 11Onze. We will help you buy at the best price the safe-haven asset par excellence: physical gold.
Gràcies per l’explicació 👍
Gràcies a tu, Jordi per seguir-nos i llegir-nos. Seguim a La Plaça!
Molt bé. Gràcies.
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Pere!!!
Oportunitat daurada,gracies
Moltes gràcies, Alícia
Ok 👍
Gràcies, Josep.
Crec q donaré el pas i faré una inversió en or.
Gràcies equip 11Onze
Gràcies a tu Manuel per voler formar part d’11Onze
Gràcies pel teu comentari Daniela!
🙏🏿 Jordi.
Gràcies, James.
Gràcies, Joan.