11Onze helps you buy gold
Inflation is shattering our purchasing power. And it looks like this situation could last for a long time… That’s why at 11Onze we’re offering an unparalleled tool to help us combat it: Preciosos 11Onze. We start with the safe-haven security par excellence: gold. And, as we are a community, we can organise grouped purchases to get gold at a better price. We explain it to you!
In recent years, the continuous printing of money has meant that there is too much of it in circulation, which has devalued its value. This, among other reasons, has triggered inflation. And, in an inflationary context like the one we are living in, the prices of basic products have started to rise and we can buy less and less things with the same money. In short, the savings we keep in our current accounts are losing value and, as a result, we have less and less purchasing power.
That is why, in order to protect our savings, at 11Onze we are making it easier for our community to buy precious metals. We will do this with the Preciosos 11Onze service, and we are starting with the safe-haven security par excellence: gold. Why? Because gold is a precious metal with a low risk of devaluation and, as it is a limited resource, its value always tends to rise, especially in times of economic instability or high inflation. In fact, as we have explained in La Plaça, in the last few years of the pandemic it has risen in value by around 40%.
With Preciosos 11Onze you will not be buying digital gold or an investment in the value of gold, but we will help you buy physical gold, real gold. So real that, if you want it, it will be delivered to your home. And if you don’t want it at home, it can be stored in a vault at a security company specialising in the safekeeping of precious metals.
When the time comes, you can choose whether to keep the gold, sell it or wait a little longer. The advantage is that gold can always be sold, is highly liquid and has a low risk of devaluation, because it is finite and always in demand.
Real gold
The gold that you can buy through Preciosos 11Onze comes from the most prestigious mints in the world and the most reputable refineries in the industry. This gold has a minimum purity of 999.99 and you will buy it in bullion bars and bullion coins, for a minimum purchase of 3,000 euros. And why can we manage it at the best price? Because 11Onze is an exceptional case in the fintech world: our main pillar is the community and therefore we can make grouped purchases.
Now you can protect your money from inflation with Preciosos 11Onze.
If you want to discover the best option to protect your savings, enter Preciosos 11Onze. We will help you buy at the best price the safe-haven asset par excellence: physical gold.
Gràcies, Daniela. Seguim a La Plaça!
Doncs esperem al dilluns.
Ben fet, Jordi! Dilluns serà un gran dia per a la Comunitat! Seguim a La Plaça.
Molt interessant.
Gràcies, Pere!
Molt be
Dilluns tindràs tota la informació per fer-ho possible. Estigues atent. Ens veiem per La Plaça!
Ostres!! Quina gran notícia!!
Celebrem que t’engresqui, Joan!
Ja tinc ganes de fer-ho.
Molt bé
Ja falta molt poquet, Carles!
S’ha de tenir compte obert per comprar-hi?
No, Pilar; no és necessari tenir un compte 11Onze obert.
Si m’ho haguessin dit fa anys no m’ho hagués cregut ,poder comprar or com inversió
Gràcies 11Onze
Increïble fa un temps però cert a 11Onze, Alicia. Seguim!
“… I si no el vols tenir a casa, es pot guardar en una cambra cuirassada d’una empresa de seguretat especialitzada en la custòdia de metalls preciosos”.
Quin preu tindrà aquesta custodia?
Hola Josep, a partir de dilluns podrem donar-te tots els detalls que necessites sobre aquest nou servei que oferim. No dubtis en posar-te en contacte amb nosaltres i un expert de la companyia podrà acompanyar-te. Gràcies!
Hola, molt interessant, amb moltes ganes de poder diversificar.
Una pregunta, què vol dir la frase “ Quan arribi el moment, podràs escollir si et quedes l’or, el vens o esperes un temps més.”
Voleu introduir unes dates d’entrada i de sortida fixes a la inversió? No es podrà entrar i sortir a conveniència? Gràcies
Hola Joan, a partir de dilluns podrem resoldre tots els dubtes que tinguis. No dubtis en posar-te en contacte amb nosaltres i t’acompanyarem. Gràcies!
Molt interesat en adquirir aquest producte.
A partir de la setmana que ve, Manuel, et podrem acompanyar en el procés! T’esperem!
Gràcies per la bona gestió de la comunitat. Es i tenim un tresor!
Si Mercè, estem molt emocionats amb aquest servei! Gràcies!
Gràcies pel teu comentari Joan!
Molt bé. Tinc ganes de comprar.ne
Ja falta poquet, Carme!