First anniversary of La Plaça

11Onze celebrates the first anniversary of the community on 22 April. We review the trajectory of the first fintech community in the Catalan Countries in a first year marked by international recognition, innovation, and a long journey ahead. The president of 11Onze, James Sène, explains it to us.


One year ago, 11Onze started a leading project that would make available to thousands of consumers a new methodology to understand and experience the financial sector. In a new 11Onze Podcast, James Sène details the keys to understand the success of La Plaça, which already has more than 11,000 members, and reveals the path that the platform will follow in the coming months.

In a world marked by e-commerce, 11Onze has launched a new era based on creating an environment of trust: La Plaça. A community of members who have and will have at their fingertips all kinds of products and services aimed at a very specific objective: to manage both the money and the well-being of its members.


La Plaça’s innovation, internationally recognised

Throughout this year, 11Onze has been selected and awarded prestigious recognitions such as the Vega Digital 2021 award, the Webby Awards, and the UX Design Awards. Sène stresses that these awards reward “an incredible effort to make this bet”. With more than 1,000 videos and 1,200 articles, La Plaça is committed to a wide range of its own content, in all formats and for all audiences.

Sène stresses that the key has been to provide the customer with a tool, not a catalogue, and this is precisely what is valued, “the innovation that has been made in the approach of customers to financial systems“. He adds that “nobody has done it the way we have done it: creating a private social network in which the content is about money and the wellbeing of its members”.

Putting the value on truth

Truth crowns 11Onze’s strategy, and in this sense Sène is as clear as the first day “it is not normal not to be able to provide financial services transparently, telling customers the truth“. Authenticity and transparency play a key role at La Plaça, from the prices of the services to the nature of the products, through the videos where the 11Onze agents themselves talk to us about different topics.

One year later, La Plaça has opened a new stage and has become a marketplace where members can meet to buy. Whether to buy products individually, to do so jointly – as in the case of gold – or to exchange goods and services with each other, as will happen in the future. The president of 11Onze stresses that this range of possibilities offered to members creates “an oasis where you can be at ease because what is proposed makes sense, you can understand it“.

All the products recommended by 11Onze make sense and are aligned with the philosophy of the project to promote the financial well-being of its members, and in the same way that it is proposed, it is presented to the community, so that as a user “you can make a decision on your own, and you can make transactions with complete peace of mind. This is also a revolution” concludes Sène.


11Onze is the fintech community of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut on Android and Apple and join the revolution!

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  1. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Es ben cert q els fonaments d’11ONZE es la transparència, esperem q mica en mica es puguin anant desplegant la resta de tentacles del canut, la de preciosos 11Onze ha estat molt encertada, sou uns cracks

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      De mica en mica ho anirem fent tot, fer una fintech bancària del no res és una feinada descomunal, i com sempre ha dit en James, si fos tan i tan fàcil ja ho hagués fet algú altre abans… Si fóssim uns cracs ja ho tindriem tot més enllestit. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Manel!!!

      2 years ago
  2. Pere SorianoPere Soriano says:

    Tal com comenteu sobre tot ser transparents i dir la veritat, no tant sols semblar-ho si no que sigui real. Gràcies.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Tota la raó del món, Pere, però ja saps que en realitat sempre mirem de dir allò que realment és. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Pere.

      2 years ago
  3. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    M’ha agradat molt l’entrevista. La campanya de preciosos 11 em sembla que caldria convertir-la en la campanya anual de principis d’any d’inversió, recollida de beneficis i reinversió per tal d’obrir cada any amb la máxima capitalització d’estalvis. Moltes gràcies per l’entrevista👌

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