All that happened while we were starting up 11Onze
11Onze explains in a documentary the obstacles it has had to overcome to start up its financial arm, El Canut. ‘In a few days’ will be available exclusively at La Plaça on 23 April, Sant Jordi’s Day.
‘In a few days’ had to be a light-hearted documentary, about how we set up El Canut,” explains Toni Mata, director of the documentary and content director of 11Onze. “We noticed that many people asked us ‘when will I be able to open an 11Onze account?’ and we wanted to say ‘in four days, very soon‘. But we felt the need to also explain the foul play we had to deal with,” he adds.
The filming began in July, when the sprint to release El Canut, 11Onze’s super-app, started, and four key days have been chosen from the whole process. Therefore, ‘In a few days’ shows the work, the tension, the doubts, and the illusion that are experienced when such an ambitious project is underway. “There were a thousand things to do, there were changes from one day to the next depending on what was feasible. The trick is knowing how to overcome obstacles to move forward, this is what we wanted to show. A team working hard to create the first Catalan financial institution in 100 years”, says Mata.
Who is bothered by 11Onze?
But ‘In a few days’ is not just about the birth of El Canut on the last 1-O of 2021. It is a documentary that explains how it has all been achieved and the opposition and the manoeuvres of the traditional banking system to prevent it. There have been all sorts. Suppliers who mysteriously backed out at the last minute, even with the signed contracts, notices that have arrived directly at the home of some members of the management team and even an infiltrator. “It has certainly been unpleasant to discover that the establishment is willing to do anything to prevent an alternative for the Catalans,” says Toni Mata.
It was not a surprise. 11Onze was prepared, and that is why it is still functioning and growing. “We didn’t expect this level of belligerence so soon. We are very small. But they know that we come to challenge the status quo with a solid business model. And we don’t depend on the usual entities, or the usual companies, or the usual parties. We have found that they are scared of people organising themselves to create a tool like 11Onze”, reveals the content director of 11Onze.
Shining a light on power structures
Money is at the centre of power and everyone knows it. That’s why any real change starts with citizens taking control of money. “This is what we are here to do. When you have control of money, you can decide”, says Mata.
For this reason, ‘In a few days’ comes to shed some light, so that everyone knows how power structures work. “Surely it must have surprised them that we have withstood the onslaught. But they will probably be more surprised when we explain it openly. We are not used to the fact that these manoeuvres are explained publicly. Well, this also has to be changed. We are committed to the truth, so that everyone knows how things really work. And no, it’s not all pretty”, Mata closes.
Where can I watch ‘In a few days’?
The documentary ‘In a few days’ will be available to all users of La Plaça on 23 April, Sant Jordi’s Day. On the 22nd there will be a preview in a cinema for the press, employees, investors, and the most active members of La Plaça.
If you are part of the media and would like to be accredited for the preview of ‘In a few days’, please write to [email protected].
Seguirem superant els escolls
Seguim confiant amb el projecte i aquí estem! Força i ànims!
Moltes gràcies, Jordi, per la vostra confiança estem i seguim.
Era d’esperar, tot i que no ho habia pensat, ara fa un any. Que hi hagués mala maror i fins algún infiltrat, la il.lusio esveía qualsevol núvol, gràcies per fer-ho possible
Gràcies a tu Guillem per acompanyar-nos, el vostre suport és la nostra força per tirar endavant.
Amb moltes ganes de saber-ne més!!
El mes important és la transparencia i sinceritat, el perque passen les coses i poder entendre-ho els ciutadans. La força la tenim i cal empoderar-nos i poder decisir
Gràcies, Laura, per la teva reflexió!
Ja falta molt poquet per poder veure el documental, que, ben segur, no deixarà indiferent ningú.
Doncs si amb tots aquests entrebancs, heu aconseguit estar on estem, amb reconeixements de la premsa internacional i tot, ja no hi ha qui us aturi.
Gràcies per la dedicació, sacrifici, professionalitat,…
Desitjant q arribi el dia 23 per gaudir d’aquest documental.
Moltíssimes gràcies per les teves paraules, Manuel!
Seguim endavant. El vostre missatge inicial em va captivar i us vaig seguir a La Plaça fins que vaig poder disposar del Canut per poder participar activament en aquesta realitat.
Moltes gràcies per les teves paraules cap a nosaltres, Francesc!!!
Ok 👍
Gràcies, Josep!
Seria bo que surtissin els noms dels protagonistes del joc brut. Concretar. Per poder obrir els ulls. Sinó sempre ens quedem amb la nebulosa de lo dolent que és el sistema i el capitalisme en general i tot això.
Bé; pot ser que no surtin al documental (no ho sé), però els principals propietaris del lobby bancari i empresarial espanyol son coneguts.
Gràcies per la teva reflexió, Josep!
I l’art de ser referents!!Seguim!
Seguim, Jordi!
Saber superar els obstacles per tirar endavant… I seguir! Resilència! Super!
I el poder de poder-ho explicar! Gràcies Anna!
Friso! Esperant amb candeletes l’estrena!
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Mercè!!!
Moltes gràcies, Mònica!!!