1 year of 11Onze’s Academy: sticking together
15 March 2021 was a very important day in the history of 11Onze. The first employees entered an intensive academy that prepared them to become agents of the first Catalan fintech community. We remember it with some of its protagonists.
The values of 11Onze have been widely publicised. We are a community fintech that wants to put people at the centre, in a broad sense. Giving them good service, meeting their needs, enabling them to train, giving them tools to coordinate and making sure we are transparent, explaining ourselves clearly. With these objectives in mind, the employees had to be trained, because it was clear to everyone that we had come to change the banking logic.
This is why the Academy was set up. A three-week training course, running from Monday to Sunday, where around fifty employees had to learn everything they needed to set up 11Onze. And, committed to transparency, we collected the experience of the Academy in a documentary series that you can watch here.
It was necessary for it to be a coexistence of a large bubble group; the pandemic situation did not allow us to be coming and going. So the future agents left everything behind and entered the 11Onze academy, where they not only learned, but also created a spirit of brotherhood that continues to this day in the company. “We were in the middle of a pandemic, we were coming from isolation. It was a shock, we needed to embrace each other, to touch each other,” explains head of agents Lara de Castro.
The work experience of my life
Agent Pilar Oltra defines her time at the Academy as follows: “it is the work experience of my life”. Núria Rambla, executive assistant at 11Onze adds that “it was special. It has marked us and what 11Onze is like“. All of this, doing an academy of this type and making a documentary series, is extremely unusual. It hasn’t been done before. Surprised? Pilar Oltra already suspected in January 2021 that 11Onze would not be a normal financial institution: “When we joined the Academy, we already came from the Circuit, right? Lara de Castro, about the Circuit, points out that “it was crazy” and that she already foresaw that 11Onze would be an opportunity to do things differently.
“I came out convinced”
For his part, the financial director of 11Onze, Oriol Tafanell recalls his time at the Academy saying “I left convinced that I hadn’t made a mistake and that this was the right thing for me to do“.
That intensive experience created the necessary bond to build what is now beginning to be perceived as 11Onze. We talk more extensively about what that experience was like and how they remember it in this conversation.
Gràcies nois!
L’empremta d’aquestes jornades, segueixen ben vives i m’expliquen el bon tracte que he rebut cada vegada que us he necessitat.
Seguim fent comunitat. Seguim avançant!
Gràcies, Francesc, per formar-ne part!
Gràcies, Josep!
Heubestat uns previlegiats sempre us he tingut el que es diu enveja sana
La veritat és que sí que hem estat uns privilegiats. Per això, no deixem de posar tot el nostre esforç en aquesta gran aventura d’11Onze, i com més va, més. Gràcies pel teu comentari, Alícia!
11onze és més que una empresa, és un model de com es refà un país.
Quan després d’un any, un treballador, l’ Oriol, es reafirma en el: “Vaig pensar que era allò el que em tocava fer “, està tot dit. Gràcies a tothom.
Exactament, tal com dius, Mercè. Aquest projecte és molt més que una empresa i jo segueixo convençut que hi puc aportar el meu esforç. I, com molt bé apuntes, tot sigui pel nostre país!!
Només puc donar-vos les gràcies i felicitar-vos, per la tasca q feu, lo professionals q sou, lo atents, transparents, resolotius,…
Sou un gran equip humà😘😘
Orgullosos en el nostre dia a dia, fent una feina que aporti tant com podem cada un de nosaltres per la vostra màxima satisfacció en l’ús dels nostres serveis. Moltes gràcies, Manuel per les teves paraules.