A fincom is much better than a fintech
What sets us apart from traditional banking? And from fintechs? We asked our chief operating officer, Darren Smith, to outline what we are going to find on the super app El Canut that makes 11Onze so revolutionary in the financial sector.
“At 11Onze we’re not a bank, we’re a fintech. And, within the fintech world, we’re also a bit different,” Smith explains proudly and reservedly. In recent years we have seen hundreds of neobanks, such as Revolut or N26, but, in a market that is so scrupulously regulated, despite the competition, it is not easy to differentiate yourself. “I stopped counting new neobanks when I reached 232…”, Smith confesses.
Our chief operations officer (COO) admits that there have been projects that have offered “excellent technologies”, especially in terms of customer tracking and protection, the so-called KYC (Know Your Customer) technologies, but none like what 11Onze is proposing. “We have created the first financial community, a fincom,” he sums up, adding: “The community is the driving force behind the whole project”.
“What we have found with 11Onze is that we have very strong customer loyalty. In Catalonia, there is a very strong cultural identity and this has also created an almost fierce customer loyalty, which is why there is a lot of demand for an increasingly sophisticated product,” argues the operations manager. Smith explains how this singularity of the Catalan social fabric could not find, in the financial sector, a product to match it. With this idea in mind, 11Onze was born.
A wide range of services in a super app
According to Smith, 11Onze offers a wide range of services that will gradually be implemented in the El Canut super app. “We differentiate ourselves in the number and type of financial services, which customers will soon be able to enjoy,” he adds. And he reveals that “there is a product roadmap for the next three years”. In short, El Canut is a wallet of wallets, i.e. a unified portal of services that gives access to all kinds of financial products.
“If you want to buy cryptocurrencies, trade gold or silver, open a bank account, buy foreign currency, you can do it. We want to give access to all these products,” sums up our COO. In fact, this 11Onze super app is designed to make all these operations “incredibly simple”. “What we want is an ID card or a passport and a document that proves your address to be enough to open an account. Although you will be able to open an account regardless of your residence in Europe, the fact is that our products are designed for the Catalan market,” concludes Smith. Haven’t you downloaded the 11Onze super app yet? Evolve with 11Onze!
11Onze is becoming a phenomenon as the first Fintech community in Catalonia. Now, it releases the first version of El Canut, the super app of 11Onze, for Android and Apple. El Canut, the first universal account can be opened in Catalan territory.
Molt bona description funcuonal. M’ha encantat👌
Gràcies, Jordi, pel teu comentari!
Bé, estic buscant informació perque ja m’he descarregat l’app i vull veure què puc i què no puc fer. Entenc que es necessita temps per anar implementat totes les funcionalitats, però, no hi ha alguna agenda? Estic interessada en comprar criptomoneda, i també vull saber si, a més del banc tradicional, puc integrar una compte d’un broker. Gràcies
Bones, Montse, aviat aniran sortint vídeos tutorials, també els productes i serveis del Canut creixeran i ho anirem comunicant. De totes maneres ens pots trucar i un agent t’ho explicarà. Moltes gràcies.
Benvingut a Barcelona, Darren, sento que hagis d’obrir un compte bancari tradicional 😁. Crec fermament en aquest projecte, som-hi!
Moltes gràcies, Rosa
Esperem que amb el temps, l’app d’Onze ens aporti tot això i mes!.
Força al canut!!
Treballem per fer-ho. Gràcies David.
A poc a poc vaig assimilant…
Doncs sí, Pere, les finances tecnològiques són el futur i de mica en mica haurem d’anar assimilant tots aquests canvis que s’aniran donant en el nostre món i societat. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!
Moltes gràcies, Joan!!!
Estic travesan el KYC, SEGUIM 👍
Esperem que s’hagi completat. Gràcies Josep
Amb il·lusió, a punt de completar el registre
Gràcies per formar part d’11onze Francesc, ens veiem per La Plaça
Gracies Darren
Moltes gràcies a tu per llegir-nos, Alícia, ens veiem per La Plaça!