Debit or credit card? It’s clear!

If you ask us at 11Onze which is better, debit or credit cards, there is no debate: debit cards. We explain why we should ban credit cards from our wallets. 


What are the differences between the two? The first is that debit cards are linked to the customer’s account balance, while credit cards are intended to operate with money lent by the financial institution. Thus, when you pay with a debit card, the amount is automatically deducted and, in fact, if you do not have enough money in your account, you will not be able to pay. This is why experts say that debit cards give you more control over your finances.

On the other hand, when you pay with a credit card, the financial institution is effectively lending you money that you will have to pay back the following month or in instalments, with the interest set by the institution. This is why financial institutions make sure that only solvent customers can have a credit card. And, even then, they have a balance limit.

In addition to the interest on spending, credit cards have a higher cost than debit cards, and they are usually paid in three different ways: at the end of the month, through a percentage each month or with a fixed fee that the entity establishes and that turns it into the so-called ‘revolving’ cards, which are not at all recommendable. 

In fact, there are many types of cards: obviously, debit and credit cards, the most common; virtual cards, which can be both debit and credit, but do not exist in physical form and are very secure; the dangerous ‘revolving’ cards, the interest on which must be monitored, as we have said; prepaid cards, where you top up the balance as you wish; and those that allow you to accumulate points in certain shops, among others.

Be clear about fees

It is important to be clear about whether our financial institution is charging us the card fees in a transparent way, because, as 11Onze’s president James Sène explained, sometimes the financial institution uses service packages to hide the cost. Beyond the fee to open an account, the debit card at 11Onze costs 14.95 euros in a single payment. And, if you prefer to operate with the virtual card, the cost is two euros. 

Finally, experts also recommend that you do not use your credit card to withdraw money from ATMs, because every time you do so, the financial institution charges you interest according to the balance on the card, a figure that can amount to up to 20% per year. Therefore, if we have to choose between one or the other, it is clear: the debit card allows you to save, control your finances and, if it is virtual, provides even more security. Have you already activated your 11Onze card?


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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Equip Editorial Equip Editorial
  1. Joan VilaJoan Vila says:

    Compte! Per segons quines activitats a alguns llocs, només serveixen les de crèdit: per exemple, per deixar la fiança en llogar un cotxe, o per assegurar despeses obertes en l’estada d’un hotel.
    Per pagar, sens dubte, millor les de dèbit (cal vigilar, però, que dtinguin el CVC al dors, sino no es podran fer segons quins pagaments per Internet)

  2. Josep RouraJosep Roura says:

    Gràcies Albert, llavors les de crèdit podrien ser necessaries si anéssim a països “No Sepa”.

    • AlbertAlbert says:

      Com a garantia de poder fer pagaments, és una opció. De tota manera, el fet que viatgis a un país no de la zona SEPA, no implica necessàriament que la teva targeta de dèbit no ha de ser acceptada.

      3 years ago
  3. Josep RouraJosep Roura says:

    Per anar a l’estranger va bé tenir la de crèdit, no sé si amb la de dèbit pots tenir problemes a l’hora de pagar per Tpv. Podeu confirmar aquest punt, agent d’11onze?

    • AlbertAlbert says:

      Entenc que això depèn de què s’entén per “estranger”, financerament parlant. Si et desplaces a un altre país de la zona SEPA, el funcionament de la targeta de dèbit ha de ser idèntic al de dins les fronteres de l’estat espanyol; si és fora de la zona SEPA, pot ser que hi hagi problemes, en funció del país de què es tracti. Per exemple, hi ha països amb presència de Mastercard, però no pas de VISA, i viceversa.

      3 years ago
    • Jennifer Roca Civit says:

      Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Josep. Encantats de què ens llegeixis. Que passis bon vespre, ens veiem per La Plaça!

      3 years ago
  4. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    La millor en quant control les de dèbit, tot i que les de credit podent ser fins i tot millir si ets capaç de portar un bon control de les despeses
    La virtual estar bé en quan seguretat i tb control de despeses

    • Jennifer Roca Civit says:

      Moltes gràcies per la teva recomanació, Alícia. Gràcies per les teves paraules.

      3 years ago
  5. Ricard Calvo VilanovaRicard Calvo Vilanova says:
  6. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:


  7. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  8. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    Claríssim. De dèbit. Les de crèdit són un parany, i per impagament de petites quantitats es queda fitxat a l´Asnef, que vol dir que et deneguen qualsevol crèdit

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