“The community can beat traditional banks”
Citizens, especially the most vulnerable, feel that financial institutions no longer count on them. Since 2008, we have gone from having 62,000 ATMs throughout Spain to around 49,000. And last year, traditional banks laid off more than 19,000 workers. That is why the Spanish government is demanding that banks take strong measures against financial exclusion. But will they do so? And what does 11Onze propose? In a new episode of L’Estat de la Nació, 11Onze’s head of agents, Lara de Castro, answers the question.
“The traditional entities are closing offices, reducing the number of employees… And, obviously, the service cannot be what it used to be,” Lara de Castro explains. This situation, she warns, is causing “discontent” among a whole section of the public that “banks have decided that they are no longer useful,” because they no longer consider them “technologically intelligent.” “Older people feel abandoned, obviously,” the head of agents warns.
Against this contempt, De Castro defends the 11Onze proposal for the community. “We live in a society that divides us so much that we forget that the community has a lot of strength. And it is the strength of the community that can make us overcome all these objections from the big banks,” she says. And she adds: “We can’t forget that the younger ones have to help the older ones, and vice versa. If we don’t help each other, what are we left with?.”
That is why 11Onze works to weave strong links within its community. This is how the ‘11Onze a Casa (‘11Onze at Home’) service was born. “In addition to the 24/7 telephone service, where you are attended by a person, and not a robot that takes you through a lot of phases, we now also attend by video call,” De Castro explains. “If the person receives help from a family member to get in front of the screen, we act as guides with a lot of agility. And it’s working very well,” the head of agents says.
In fact, ‘11Onze a Casa’ is a service that the fincom set up in advance of Spanish regulations that oblige financial institutions to offer a closer service 24 hours a day. “And it was about time! If traditional banks, which were bailed out by the state, haven’t done it yet, it’s because they don’t want to. This past year banks have made extraordinary profits in the middle of the pandemic,” Lara de Castro denounces. Because, indeed, there are no more excuses against financial exclusion.
Bona implementació. Totes les facilitats son molt importants.
Gràcies per apreciar-ho, Pere!
Gràcies, Daniela!!!
La Covid ha accelerat la comunicació i interaccio digital ,ecs cert que no.tothom pot fer-ho de vegades per no tenir mitjans i d’altres per por a no saber
Realment el servei 11Onze d’atenció a casa mitjançant videoconferencia es acertadissim per aquests casos
11Onze sempre endavant
Gràcies Alícia, sempre! 💛🙏🏼
Jo fa temps que he deixat de tenir els meus diners en els bancs de l’Ibex35. Son els pitjors.
Ningú que tracti malament a qualsevol persona val la pena tenir-nos de clients, oi? Penso igual. Gràcies Jordi!
Són temps de canvi i com molt bé diu l’article la comunitat ha de fer que el canvi sigui més just
Absolutament d’acord Francesc. Som-hi doncs, a crear la xarxa 🙂
Com en tot s’ha de perdre la por. (No en sabré), i demanar ajuda, a vegades costa més demanar que donar.
També passa que qui ha de donar no sap que se´l necessita.
Això que dius, Mercè, és molt important. Saber demanar ajuda costa molt però crec que si som capaços de demanar-la a qui pertoqui, rebre’m l’ajuda i l’acompanyament que necessitem. Jo tinc confiança en què sabrem respondre com a comunitat a qui ens necessita, els joves tenim aquest deute amb els nostres grans, és un deute al qual hem de respondre amb amor i humilitat (penso jo). Gràcies per ser-hi!