“We are born digital and to support the country”
“Any country needs a strong financial institution and we aspire to do so,” 11Onze’s chief financial officer Oriol Tafanell says. In the interview on Teve.cat’s L’Estat de la Nació, he also explained why it is so important to create a fully digital fincom to achieve financial independence.
Just for starters, Tafanell highlighted 11Onze’s differentiating feature as the way it deals with customers. “It has nothing to do with traditional banking. More than serving customers, we accompany a community on an adventure. And this means welcoming and helping in any way we can,” he said. Therefore, the first step for anyone who wants to join the 11Onze community is to become a member of La Plaça. After that, they will have to download our super app El Canut, through which “not only can you manage your account, but you can also incorporate other accounts with other entities in a single space.”
“We have just launched and, from now on, we will be launching more products, such as cryptocurrencies, ETFs, i.e. investment packages, but always putting transparency first. For us, there is no small print. We have the prices very well explained. Let’s not fool ourselves, there is no such thing as free services,” the chief financial officer argued. Tafanell also stressed that 11Onze is a fincom, a community fintech.
“At 11Onze we were born digital and we do not work like traditional banks, but, as we are a fintech, we work with electronic money institutions. These entities are highly regulated by the European Union,” Tafanell says. In fact, the money that remains under the umbrella of these entities, the so-called EMIs, is 100% insured, because it does not form part of the financial entity’s balance sheet, as it does in traditional banks. EMIs cannot invest with our savings either. “It is money that is very well protected,” the chief financial officer says.
A solvent project linked to the country
“When we have a Spanish licence, we will be under the influence of the Bank of Spain, but this is not our case. We are offering people to diversify their money in IBANs in different EU countries. We have started with Bulgaria, because it has a more solvent central bank than the Bank of Spain and we work exactly the same way with it,” Tafanell clarifies in response to possible doubts about the security of having savings outside Spanish reach.
“Our project is closely linked to Catalonia, because any country needs a strong financial institution. When we achieve this, and this is what we aspire to, we will do many more things,”the chief financial officer said. For this reason, 11Onze has a five-year service plan. “Our great aspiration is to be a community fintech, where people help each other,” Tafanell concluded.
11Onze is becoming a phenomenon as the first Fintech community in Catalonia. Now, it releases the first version of El Canut, the super app of 11Onze, for Android and Apple. El Canut, the first universal account can be opened in Catalan territory.
Gràcies, Joan!!!
Molt bé, i a la gent gran que ni li agrada ni vol fer servir noves tecnologies els deixem que es podreixin a una cantonada. Per ser innovadors s’ha de pensar diferent i no fer com els bancs actuals. Penseu-hi.
No, Miquel. No volem deixar ningú enrere. Tanmateix, la tecnologia l’hauran d’usar, directament o amb l’ajut dels més joves, perquè, fins i tot serveis públics com la salut o la tributació, amb la pandèmia s’han digitalitzat gairebé del tot.
Ho podríem comparar amb la conducció; hom pot decidir no tenir carnet de conduir, però, tard o d’hora, necessitarà desplaçar-se per carretera i, llavors, encara que qui es desplaci sigui ell, algú altre haurà de conduir. No sé si és el millor exemple, però espero que transmeti la idea.
Veig persones grans que encara no se’n surten amb el caixer automàtic i requereixen l’ajuda d’una tercera persona. I això ja passava quan ni tan sols existien els mòbils.
És important destacar l’horitzó on es mou Catalunya, la intenció construir una comunitat. Tot això sense oblidar els valors ètics. Quants més siguem, més podrem créixer
Som-hi, doncs!
Un projecte engrescador.
El nostre projecte està íntimament lligat a Catalunya, perquè qualsevol país necessita una entitat financera forta
Gràcies per neixer i treballar per creixer
Gràcies a tu, Alícia, per formar-ne part!
El titular ho diu tot: Un projecte solvent lligat al país.
Que té cara i ulls, ja és al mercat: El Canut
Lligat al país. Només cal remenar per la Plaça per veure´n el tarannà.
Gràcies a tots els que ho feu possible
Gràcies a tu també, doncs 😉