“11Onze is a financial hub”
11Onze is much more than a Catalan fintech: it is a financial hub, it is a tool for the country that lets us manage our finances in a way that has never been done before in Catalonia. The current affairs magazine L’Estat de la Nació interviewed the CEO of 11Onze Natàlia Cugueró.
“11Onze is a fintech which operates within Europe. We choose countries with strong central banks, we don’t work with the Spanish Central Bank” remarked Cugueró during the interview, which could be seen live this Friday on Facebook Live and on Assemblea’s YouTube channel and on Teve.cat.
Indeed, our fincom wants to offer the best products on the market and, as the CEO of 11Onze pointed out, it wants to take advantage of the fact that the European PSD2 regulation offers the possibility of opening accounts with different IBANs. Answering questions by journalist Eduard Berraondo, 11Onze’s CEO explained the actual status of the business, and where the community is heading. You can see the whole interview below!
Una fintech catalana és una eina de país sobretot per no estar sotmesa a l’estat espanyol sinó a Europa
Tens raó, Francesc. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!!!
Excel·lent entrevista que vaig poder veure en directe. Enhorabona per la claredat en el missatge de la sra Cugueró.
Ben cert, Santiago. Gràcies!
Molt bona l’entrevista! Bé Natàlia!!
Gràcies, Laura. Ens veiem per La Plaça.
Molt ben definit
Si hi ha ina persona així en el projecte no cal patir.Endavant.
Ben cert. Gràcies Jordi
Endavant farem pais.
Sense presses i aprenent-ne però anar avançant. Gràcies.
Clar,ferma i contundent
Com sempre és així!!!
Gràcies, Joan!!!