11Onze District: the marketing agency of 11Onze
11Onze District is 11Onze’s in-house advertising agency, designed to serve other brands. Created in record time. It puts 11Onze at the forefront of programmatic advertising. Discover how 11Onze District was created, with Gemma Vallet.
Gemma Vallet, director and driving force behind 11Onze District
11Onze District Agency was born as a concept one summer afternoon in 2021 on the terrace of a country house in Maresme (Vallès Oriental, Barcelona, Catalonia). At that time, the president of 11Onze, James Sène, was clear that any social network such as the one that supports the 11Onze community, just like Meta or TikTok or Google, must have its own agency to provide service to brands.
James, at that time, called it 11Onze Agency, and entrusted its creation to Gemma Vallet, director and promoter of the 11Onze agency, who in addition to providing it with services aligned with the vision of the president of 11Onze and the market, added: District or District, because one of the main objectives of the agency is to provide a relevant space, a showcase or a digital or hybrid showroom to brands and companies within the 11onze.cat community, and around the world.
One year later, at 11Onze District, we have just passed the first start-up phase, the embryonic phase of defining the model and testing the business model. At this point, we have already defined the 11Onze District platform as an agency: what it is, the basic advertising and marketing services it offers, and the real value it provides in terms of branding and business.
As a result of 11Onze’s brand reputation and our background in large multinational advertising groups, we have been able to attract, in record time, leading partners in programmatic advertising to be able to activate digital campaigns both locally and internationally with all the guarantees. We will also soon be able to offer native video advertising content within 11onze.cat, thanks to a leading OTT platform.
We have equipped 11Onze District with the latest advertising and marketing technology in record time. Furthermore, we have to bear in mind that traditional media agencies and large general advertising service agencies have been digitising their services for more than a decade, while 11Onze District, in just 3 months, has been able to operate and offer leading, proven quality services in programmatic advertising, among other services.
We are preparing and working to enter into a phase of organic growth at the business level.
11Onze District is working to achieve 3 major challenges:
–To bring differential value to the people who make up the 11Onze community, to the members registered in 11onze.cat, through innovative, sustainable brands such as Natulim or Basi Group, among other brands with which we build exclusive proposals for the 11Onze community.
-To bring a unique value to the brands that we incorporate into the 11onze.cat community through the creation of special campaigns and to offer them a space, a digital district, and in the future, a hybrid space.
At the 11Onze District agency, we manage everything from the ideation of the campaign, management, production and activation, to digital and business analytics. We are able to activate and disseminate the campaigns of 11Onze’s partner brands or friendly brands within 11onze.cat, their own channels. And to reiterate, 11Onze District is able to manage and contract campaigns in both local and international digital media, thanks to programmatic advertising and artificial intelligence. 11Onze District is able to innovate in branded content and advertising formats such as social selling and live shopping through our network of agents and brand ambassadors.
-The third challenge of 11Onze District is to create and activate a community of entrepreneurs, professionals, creators and creatives to promote knowledge around fintech and the new economy. We are working in this direction with the Fintech Talks, talks that promote critical thinking and open discussion as a way of contributing knowledge to anticipate the challenges of the new economy and finance. At this point, the Fintech Talks have their epicentre in Barcelona, a city that is a benchmark as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.
11Onze District, as an agency, is unique, almost pioneering, and innovative, and we will certainly be able to create quality jobs for marketers, creatives, strategy and programmatic advertising experts. We will also train new cognitive consultants who are experts in social media algorithms and search engines, to whom we will be able to bring knowledge, at the same time that we will be able to learn from them and grow.
In the next 2-3 years we have to be able to be a respected benchmark in the advertising and marketing world for quality and efficiency, as a leading agency in programmatic advertising, social selling and content marketing, and generate wealth as a top agency.
Welcome to 11Onze District!
11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!
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Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Bona feinada d’11Onze District!!👏👏👏👏
Benvinguda ets 11Onze District! Encomana il.lusió per a la feina ben feta, dues coses escasses a hores d’ara al nostre país.
Gràcies Gemma!
Gràcies per acompanyar-nos, Mercè! 😊
Una gran proposta!, la de la Gemma!
I tant, Oriol! Gràcies pel teu comentari!