“We have come to do things well”
“Traditional banking has not been ethical”, Gemma Vallet said in the magazine L’Estat de la Nació. The marketing director of 11Onze has reviewed with Eduard Berraondo the pillars of 11Onze and how it can be a tool for the country.
The marketing director said that “11Onze wants to bring the new economy to Catalonia” and that this undoubtedly involves a community banking tool. “People need the community and, after Covid, we need to strengthen our community, our closest environment,” Valle said.
For this reason, the values of 11Onze, which put people at the centre, are gaining strength, in order to have a relationship with them based on ethics and commitment. In this sense, Vallet recalled that “traditional banking has not been ethical”, and has therefore failed in its main function. Banking has to protect savings and stimulate the economy through lending. Both are useful services for people, but it seems as if, in recent years, people have simply been banished from a banking gaze fixed on profit.
“We have engraved in our DNA both survival and innovation,” Vallet said about 11Onze, which has come to open up and lead the way by innovating in the world of finance. An innovative way of doing things that has already earned it international recognition, such as the Vega Digital award. In the Catalan fincom, she explained, two impulses coexist: a more activist one and a calmer one. In any case, 11Onze’s communication is frank, direct and transparent: “That’s how we are. And if you like it, fine, and if you don’t, that’s fine too,” the marketing director reiterated.
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3 min readIn the magazine L’Estat de la Nació, he acknowledged that since 11Onze...
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Molt interessant.
Celebrem que ho hagis trobat interessant. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Joaquim!!!
Ben explicat I ben dit que es 11Onze i ben fet deixant palès la falta d’ètica de la banca tradicional
Seguim! Gràcies, Alícia.
La banca ha de protegir els estalvis i estimular l’economia amb el préstec. Així veig el binomi La Plaça/El Canut. En aquests pocs mesos he après molt…
Contents que hagis après Francesc!!!, aquesta és la funció que fa La Plaça, un espai on tots aprenem coses noves. Seguim
Gràcies, Joan!!!
Gràcies, Joan!!!