11Onze App Test: third week of testing

11Onze has started the third week of testing the financial app with a total of 66 users, new and old. All of them, new and old, have the third update of the app in their hands. What have they seen so far?


22 users of La Plaça started the test on 14 August with the aim of testing functionalities, detecting errors, and following the weekly updates to determine how it works. In addition to seeing the application for the first time, there is also the responsibility of testing it thoroughly so that the final application, the one that users will use, provides the best possible customer experience, being easy and intuitive.

Every week, 22 new B testers are added to the previous ones. With the support of their 11Onze agents, they receive daily personalised attention to resolve any doubts that may arise. We talked to Iu Alemany, Back Office Manager, for an overview of the first weeks of testing.

What are users seeing in the app?

The application presents the basic financial management functionalities. Right now, users see, always through fictitious data, the information corresponding to the current account: balance and movements. They can also create virtual cards linked to their account, and send money to other test users. With all this, the functionalities that are considered basic in financial operations are tested.


Have you noticed any improvements compared to the first week?

Since the first day of testing, several improvements have been implemented. Some are practically imperceptible, such as faster operations or the fact that buttons that did not work for some users have been fixed. Others have been noticed by users and have improved the usefulness of the application. That’s why personalised monitoring is key, so that we don’t miss any errors in the application and, therefore, we can fix everything. It is constantly evolving.


How are you approaching the final stretch of the test?

The challenge will be to include more users and to continue with personalised monitoring. If the application evolves correctly, as it has done so far, what we are looking for at the end of the test is the response of the users, to know what their experience has been like, and to open the door to suggestions. We want the experience to be useful for real users, so their opinion will be the most valuable for us. One of the values that define 11Onze is precisely this focus on the customers, listening to them in order to provide what they really need. This is the ultimate goal of a community fintech.


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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:


  2. Roberto LorenteRoberto Lorente says:

    residents de quins països podran obrir compte amb 11onze?

  3. montse cabanasmontse cabanas says:
  4. David MateosDavid Mateos says:

    Ànims i molta força a tot l’equip !!!

  5. Jordi Grabolosa VilaJordi Grabolosa Vila says:

    Hola! M’agradaria col·laborar voluntariament i aportar el meu granet de sorra. Com es pot ser beta tester? Gràcies i endavant! 🙂

  6. Luís TorderaLuís Tordera says:

    Ja ens queda poc per tenir una eina de país bàsica!!

  7. Xavier Soler TravéXavier Soler Travé says:

    Impaciet per saber dels resultats al final de la prova!

  8. Laura León AmatLaura León Amat says:

    Remenant remenant…👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Amb ganes que surti a la llum

  9. ferran Ribas bruguetferran Ribas bruguet says:

    Hola , hi haurá moneder compatible de criptomonedes? I la domiciliacio de rebuts a entitats , será realment privada?. Ex. Rebut GreenPeace, Con.perlaRep….etc.,que cap govern puga demanar si ets afiliat. gracies.

    • David RuizDavid Ruiz says:

      Seria molt clau el tema criptomonedes

      3 years ago
    • Jordi CollJordi Coll Planas says:

      Hola, Ferran…
      Ja falta molt poc, espera’t una mica més, d’aquí a més o menys unes dues setmanes ja tindrem l’App llesta i a partir d’aquell moment ja començarà tot… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari.

      3 years ago
  10. Jordi Masana TalloJordi Masana Tallo says:

    Quan preveieu que duri la fase de B testers? I un cop finalitzada quines fases teniu en ment fins tenir l’APP disponible per tothom?
    Bona feina!

    • Mireia Sitjà López says:

      Hola, Jordi, doncs encara no et podem confirmar data, però serà ven aviat, tots estem molt impacients …. gràcies per la paciència..ens veiem per la Plaça

      3 years ago
  11. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  12. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Treballar per ser I fer el millor per a la comunitat en definitiva per a les persones

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