11Onze App Test: we reach the first users

Selected users of La Plaça, accompanied by 11Onze agents, will be part of the app test, which will last until the end of August. We accompanied the agents to find out, first-hand, how they have experienced these first hours of the app’s launch.


Saturday 14th August. It is half past eight in the morning and a group of 11Onze agents, accompanied by the management, are experiencing a very important day in Barcelona; first thing in the morning, the application is opened to all the participants in the test, and at the same time, personalised customer service is activated for each of them. Twenty users become the first Beta testers, who will have the opportunity to access the mobile application in the testing phase.

For three weeks these users, and the rest that will be added, will experience a stage that often goes unnoticed by customers: the testing phase. New functionalities will be added weekly and verified by users, in a key process that will conclude with the definitive application for all customers. A process that is normally kept internal, but which we at 11Onze wanted to open up to the outside world, in an act of transparency and gratitude to the users who follow us on a daily basis at La Plaça. At the end of the day, both users and agents are part of the same 11Onze community, and this is what we want to reflect at every step of this process.

At nine o’clock in the morning we contact the first users by phone, to accompany them in the activation process, and we celebrate the first small victory of the day: the registration works perfectly, and one by one, the application begins to reach the hands of all the verifiers. A little later, we received some of them in person, also with the aim of helping them in this registration process. We show them all the organisation of the application and the first functionalities they can find. The excitement of both the verifiers and the other users of La Plaça is palpable, and being able to share this moment with them so that they can experience it with us is, without a doubt, a reason to celebrate.

Hours go by, and all users have accessed the application. During the morning, any incident or aspect to improve that has been found has been reported, and this will continue to be done during the rest of the days, with the aim of finishing an intuitive, agile application that meets all the needs of customers.

We ended the first day of testing on a happy note, which brings us one step closer to the final launch. And although we are aware that the excitement of this project awakens impatience among those who are waiting for it, we can only remind everyone, from the inside, that a job well done requires time and dedication, and the tireless work of all these months can only lead us to a successful outcome. The second week of Beta Testing begins, with more users joining the 11Onze application. For us, the secret is still the values, and the work of creating such an ambitious project in an almost artisan way leads us to dedicate the necessary time to each step. The illusion is still intact, as it was on the first day, but with the difference that now, thanks to you, we are on the home stretch.

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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:
    • Mireia Cano says:

      A la pròxima t’hi apuntes, Edu! Ara a gaudir directament de l’aplicació 😉

      3 years ago
  2. Jordi Grabolosa VilaJordi Grabolosa Vila says:
  3. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  4. Jordi

    Hola a tots, m’ofereixo per fer testeig de la App. Salutacions cordials.

    • Aitor Canudas says:

      Bon dia Jordi, estem seleccionant cada setmana a usuaris actius per ordre de saldo de “peles”, en cas que vulguis ajudar-nos de manera voluntària, ens pots fer arribar un correu electrònic a [email protected] indicant:

      Nom i cognoms
      Telèfon mòbil
      Correu electrònic

      Un cop rebut ens posarem en contacte per confirmar i enviar instruccions

      3 years ago
  5. Julia Pérez EscobedoJulia Pérez Escobedo says:

    Quines ganes de poder testejar i veure totes les funcionalitats <3

    • Jordi Oller says:

      Hola, Júlia, estem seleccionant cada setmana a usuaris actius per ordre de saldo de “peles”, en cas que vulguis ajudar-nos de manera voluntària, ens pots fer arribar un correu electrònic a [email protected] indicant:

      Nom i cognoms
      Telèfon mòbil
      Correu electrònic

      Un cop rebut ens posarem en contacte per confirmar i enviar instruccions

      3 years ago
  6. Sergi Llorca GarciaSergi Llorca Garcia says:

    Enhorabona, tot ho bo es fa esperar.

    • Francesc Serra Carrera says:

      Gràcies Sergi! Fem tot el possible perquè l’espera sigui més curta

      3 years ago
  7. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    I quina il·lesió em va fer ser escollida i veure com funciona ,quins nervis fins que em van trucar
    Ja falta menys ,gràcies 11Onze

  8. Lluís CasamitjanaLluís Casamitjana says:

    Hola Mireia, ens ha costat però finalment funciona. Gràcies per l’ajut 😜

    • Mireia Cano says:

      A disposar! Feliç que el projecte ja es materialitzi a les vostres mans!

      3 years ago
  9. Jordi BadalJordi Badal says:

    Molt bé! Esperem l’arrencada de l’operativa real.

  10. Esther CanovasEsther Canovas says:

    Cada dia mes aprop, ja falta menys

  11. Nuria GomezNuria Gomez says:

    Molt contenta de poder formar part del test de la App! Gràcies per tot David☺️

    • David LópezDavid López says:

      Tot un plaer Nuria, content que t’agradi tant l’App, continuem millorant amb els vostres sugeriments! 😊

      3 years ago
    • Mireia Cano says:

      Gràcies a tu per participar-hi Núria! 💛

      3 years ago
  12. Francesc PicasFrancesc Picas says:

    De vacances, però col.laborant en el testeig de l’app. Paga la pena el temps dedicat. Promet

  13. Jaume JosaJaume Josa says:

    Excel·lent! Ja tenim ganes de provar l’App i obrir un compte a Onze

  14. Jordi FerréJordi Ferré says:

    Buf, sembla que mica en mica va arribant tot. Tinc ganes de poder obrir un compte a l’Onze.

  15. Cristian Palau BatistaCristian Palau Batista says:

    Preparat per iniciar-me a Onze un neobank català diferent als que he provat fins ara estrangers.

  16. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:

    App esperada 👍👏👏👏👏

  17. Pilar Oltra ViguerasPilar Oltra Vigueras says:

    Que maco Mireia! 😭

  18. Ricard Calvo VilanovaRicard Calvo Vilanova says:

    Bona notícia

    • AlbertAlbert Chic Giménez says:

      Compartim amb tu aquest sentiment, Ricard. Gràcies per ser-hi!

      3 years ago
  19. Lluís CasamitjanaLluís Casamitjana says:

    Mireia, ja he rebut el correu. Ens “vèiem” demà a les 16h. Cuida’t

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