Pasta Z: the podcast where Gen Z talks about money
11Onze launches a podcast where young people raise their voices to talk about the economy. It is presented by the comedian Guillem Estadella and the first guest is the influencer Joan Grivé. With this premiere, 11Onze takes the opportunity to open a new channel on Spotify.
Young people have to talk about young people. With their tone and their way of doing things. That’s why 11Onze is launching Pasta Z, to find out what young people think about a world that seems to be exclusively adult, but which affects their daily lives and their future: the world of money. What do they think about it, how do they organise themselves, what are their expectations?
Pasta Z is, therefore, the podcast that will give a voice to a generation hitherto excluded from the economic debate. And it will do so with the help of comedian Guillem Estadella. At just 24, Estadella has built up a solid career in the audiovisual world in Catalonia. He has presented and scripted the shows Estoy madurando and Quin pollastre! and has collaborated in radio and television programmes such as Molta canya!, Fricandó matiner, Tabús, El Foraster and Ahora Caigo. Now, he presents Pasta Z, where he will talk to young people “with more privileges than their parents, but who live in precarity.” The podcast can be heard on 11Onze Podcast and also on 11Onze’s Spotify channel.
“Young people are put in a lot of obstacles to entrepreneurship, when we are supposed to have more opportunities to do so. And yes, we have very little financial culture. Many young people don’t know how to pay taxes… And, at the same time, I have a lot of colleagues who are hooked on the cryptocurrency market and think they are Bill Gates. We go from one extreme to the other,” Estadella explains. Pasta Z was born, the comedian says, with the aim of bringing order to the confusion.
Influencers also work hard
In the first episode, Estadella talks to Joan Grivé, better known by his digital avatar, Sir Joan. “He’s a guy in his early twenties, who works in the digital world, who is an influencer, who works odd hours, creates content and all his income comes from the internet,” the comedian explains. Estadella is fascinated by Grivé’s ability to make a living. “I’m interested to know how he organises himself as a freelancer, and how he sees the human-money relationship… And he sees it as fucked up, like me,” he laughs.
Sir Joan earns a lot of money, but he has realised that he has so many expenses that he will never get rich. “We have very stigmatised influencers, as they don’t work in an office… But Joan Grivé works more hours than anyone else,” he continues. Like Sir Joan, Pasta Z will feature other young people, some well-known and others anonymous, and there will be times to change the world and to criticise the globalised financial system and the legacies of previous generations, such as boomers.
Localism against “the swamp of uncertainties”
“I find it amusing that boomers criticise us for ‘eco-anxiety’, when they were the first to buy toilet paper because the pandemic was going to wipe out the world. Although I’m not really in favour of the term ‘eco-anxiety’ either. I do think about the future, but I prefer to do it in the present,” Estadella says. In preparing the podcast, the comedian realised that young people have many fears because they have been painted a threatening scenario and because social networks force them to want to solve everything immediately. The combination of the two, he says, has been lethal to the mental health of Generation Z. “We are always navigating a swamp full of uncertainties,” he says.
But he is convinced that change will come if selfishness is put aside. “Yes, we young people quickly jump on the drama, but in a globalised world, what will save us is localism. That’s why 11Onze, which has a national outlook, can help us understand how we manage money,” says Estadella, who sees 11Onze as the savings bank of the future. “Savings banks were a national structure, there was one in every town and the money stayed where it was generated. But everything has grown so much that it has clipped our wings,” he continues. Young people want to change everything, to make a real revolution, and Pasta Z will contribute to this.
11Onze is becoming a phenomenon as the first Fintech community in Catalonia. Now, it releases the first version of El Canut, the super app of 11Onze, for Android and Apple. El Canut, the first universal account can be opened in Catalan territory.
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M’agrade aquesta manera de fer i com el francesc coneixer com es la generació zeta serà un plaer,estem tots a la comunitat
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Alícia. Ens veiem per la Plaça!
Els Z una franja que per arribar-hi cal adaptar el llenguatge i molta empatia per veure les coses des del seu punt de vista. El Pasta Z és un bon pas
És exactament per això que ho fem Francesc. Ens has entès a la perfecció. Han de tenir la seva veu!
Gràcies per la teva bona valoració, Francesc!
Gràcies, Joan!!!
👏👏👏 Benvinguts a 11Onze. Entre tots ho farem tot!
Sí Mercè entre tots ho farem, segur!!