A fincom to make economy sustainable

We have been hearing expressions such as “Km 0 product”, “digitalisation” and “sustainability”, but what do they have to do with the Catalan economy? How can companies implement sustainable strategies to help consumers make better choices about the products they buy?


The Departament de Medi Ambient defines “km 0”, or “proximity” products, as those that have been produced less than 100 kilometres away, are seasonal, ecological (no chemicals or toxic products are used in their production) and protect the environment. As we have already experienced, the Covid-19 pandemic has helped to launch or accelerate different initiatives to help small local agri-food producers. The Generalitat has done so thanks to the Prodeca project, a website promoting Catalan food. 

However, local production is not the only way to help consumers. According to data from 2020, 35% of Catalan companies were digitally transformed during the pandemic. The main sectors that did so were services, commerce and industry. Digitisation has helped these companies to improve savings, efficiency and productivity.

However, the sustainable economy goes beyond consuming local products and digitising businesses. On the one hand, it helps to raise awareness, with social campaigns that challenge citizens, encouraging them to buy brands that respect the environment and to commit to recycling and to fair and second-hand trade. The sustainable economy is also driving changes in the household economy, such as household savings and reducing energy consumption. In fact, small individual changes often contribute much more than big changes.

Can a financial institution contribute to change?

This is how the sustainable economy is expanding in many different sectors, from wine to construction. The commitment generates business models that incorporate the circular economy, in order to reduce the waste of resources as much as possible. At 11Onze we also want to contribute to change. But how can a financial institution like ours do so? 

At 11Onze we want to promote a sustainable economy based on the real and specific needs of each person living in the community. That is why 11Onze can help create social sustainability. Many companies start from a sustainable economy without thinking about the customers, but it is important to incorporate the social side of the community to complete the concept of a sustainable economy.

Our customers are at the centre of the whole proposition and therefore what we offer them needs to help them financially, to make better choices, in short, to improve financially and economically. Thus, we aim to help our customers to make more sustainable choices and to show how the economy of abundance allows everyone to participate, based on responsibility. We do this with transparency and simplicity. In the end, sustainability must make sense from economic efficiency, from individual and collective responsibility and from the awareness that natural resources must be protected and valued.

All these actions, however small they may seem, have a big impact. In fact, we are increasingly aware of the importance of sharing. Sharing, renting, reusing, repairing and recycling extend the life cycle of products. Use rather than own is the maxim of all these movements and trends towards a more sustainable economy.


11Onze is becoming a phenomenon as the first Fintech community in Catalonia. Now, it releases the first version of El Canut, the super app of 11Onze, for Android and Apple. El Canut, the first universal account can be opened in Catalan territory.

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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Pensé que la economia sostenible va lligada a que sigui circular, és a dir que no hi ha sostenibilitat si l’economia no es circular. Però totes dues necessiten d’una Fincom que les lligue bé, que les posi en practica d’alguna manera, amb iniciatives emprenedores que poc a poc vagin cresquent i es vagin seguint per si necessiten quelcom cosa que els hi poguem donar o llegar o contribuir per a que es puguin reinventar els cops que faci falta. Som-hi!!💪

  2. Daniela SimónDaniela Simón says:
  3. Josep GimbernatJosep Gimbernat says:

    Com ja ha dit en Josep, jo també he viscut alguna experiencia anterior amb l’anomenada banca ètica i no varen ser gaire satisfactòries… deixem-ho així. Desitjo que questa vegada sí que ompliu vosaltres les expectatives posades. Estem alertes.

  4. Manel LopezManel Lopez says:
    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      Entre tots ho aconseguirem!, gràcies pel teu comentari Manel, ens veiem per La Plaça

      3 years ago
  5. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:
  6. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  7. Esther CanovasEsther Canovas says:

    Gracies, cal retornar al model on tot era mes natural, mes social i mes sostenible

  8. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    M’agrada aprendre a usar no a posseir, que com a banc es vulgui ser sostenible des de l’eficiència econòmica i contribuir mitjançant la comunitat a ajudar aprendre de manera individual tot allò que farà l’economia més sostenible i a l’abast de tothom
    Gràcies Angel bon article

    • Càrol RafalesCarolina Rafales says:

      Gràcies a tu, Alícia! Ens alegra saber que opines com nosaltres!

      4 years ago
  9. Josep GimbernatJosep Gimbernat says:

    Sincerament, vist unes quantes experiències anteriors respecte a la banca ètica, desitjo i espero que el vostre projecte realment acabi sent el que dieu que voleu fer. Si es així compteu amb el meu recolzament.

    • Joan BenedictoJoan Benedicto says:

      Moltes gràcies pel suport Josep. Posarem esforç perquè aquest projecte surti bé!

      4 years ago
  10. Enlil Orion Gonzalez MunzonEnlil Orion Gonzalez Munzon says:
    Enlil Orion

    <3 🙂

  11. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    No te gaire a veure amb el banc en sí, però vull remarcar que si parlem de l’ economia del país, del conjunt de Catalunya, quan anem a gaudir dels meravellosos paratges que tenim, pensem que per a mantenir-los es necessita que les persones que viuen en els pobles es puguin guanyar la vida. Hi ha botigues que depenen del que hi comprem a molt estirar durant tres mesos, no només la verdura, el pa, la carn i els ous, sinó també els productes envasats. Cal comprar-los allà, no passar primer pel super i carregar el cotxe. No és economia digital, però sí de país. Descentrelitzem-lo, tots hi guanyarem. No tindrem productes ecològics ni km.0 si no hi ha pagesos. I no hi haurà pagesos si en eks pobles no hi ha serveis. I no hi haurà serveis si han de plegar perquè no es fan servir

    • David LópezDavid López says:

      A més, la qualitat dels productes que es venen en aquests pobles, no té res a veure, amb el que es pot comprar als grans establiments. És el gran valor afegit que tenen els productes, km 0.
      I una altra cosa afegiria, no es pot tenir una experiència completa del lloc que visitem, si no tastem la seva gastronomia o fem ús dels seus serveis.

      4 years ago
  12. Vicente Amoretty MarquezVicente Amoretty Marquez says:

    Molt bon article Angel, crec que la conscienciació és l’objectiu prioritari per portar a bon port l’economia i sociabilitat de la nostra gent.

  13. L11ms2021# Mayol SànchezL11ms2021# Mayol Sànchez says:

    Bon article,cal que tots plegats ens mentalitzem per sumar i dur el Pais endavant

  14. Angel AreanAngel Arean says:

    Tant de bo! Arribeu en un moment estratègic. Estarem atents… 💪

    • AlbertAlbert Chic Giménez says:

      Gràcies, Àngel! El teu comentari ens esperona a tirar endavant encara amb més entusiasme.

      4 years ago
  15. Càrol RafalesCarolina Rafales says:

    Hi ha més informació sobre la Banca Comunitària en aquest enllaç: https://comunitat.11onze.cat/aprendre/economia/la-banca-comunitaria/

  16. Jordi CollJordi Coll Planas says:

    La nova banca serà tot un èxit per la nostra societat

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