Litigation Funding: making money collectively

One of 11Onze Recommend’s star products generates high yields by financing the litigations of law firms that pursue claims from citizens who were misled by banks. You can now participate as a group, reducing the amount of capital contributed individually but keeping the percentage of the profits. Farhaan Mir, CFO of 11Onze, explains how it works.


The success of Litigation Funding comes from the concept of providing social justice while obtaining high returns with a low-risk product thanks to the insurance that covers the funds provided by the clients. Since its launch, we have been expanding its scope, while reducing the minimum amount of access capital.

From the minimum initial capital of 25,000 euros, we were able to get our provider to reduce it to 10,000 euros, making this product accessible to a larger number of people in the 11Onze community.

Obviously, the higher the amount of capital provided, the higher the returns. That is why, at the request of our community, we are now also offering the possibility of a group contribution, either among family or friends, so that the financing can be shared while maintaining the percentage of the profits.

“If you have two people who put in 25,000 euros each, this is considered a contribution of 50,000. And the two people get the benefits of the 50,000.”

Group contributions

Litigation Funding generates returns of between 9% and 11%, well above what traditional banks offer for our savings. Even so, not everyone can afford to make a capital contribution of 25,000 or 50,000 euros to obtain maximum returns. By offering the option to contribute money collectively, we multiply the benefits.

As Farhaan Mir explains, “If you have two people who put in 25,000 euros each, that’s considered a 50,000-euro contribution. And the two people get the benefits of the 50,000”. Therefore, instead of getting a return of 9%, which would correspond to 25,000 euros, you will generate profits of 10%, from a contribution of 50,000 euros.

“Any contribution against the cases we are funding is guaranteed. So we have full security for the funds we are providing to the law firm.”

Unfavourable cases covered by insurance

The success rate of the cases to which Litigation Funding has provided funds exceeds 90%. Even so, if there is an unfavourable case, the funds contributed by our clients are covered by insurance, regardless of the amount contributed.

It is therefore a low-risk product. “Any contribution against the cases we are funding is guaranteed. So we have full security for the funds we are providing to the law firm,” says Mir.

If you want to find out how to get returns on your savings with a social justice product, 11Onze recommends Litigation Funding.

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  1. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Hi ha una errata en l’article, la inversió de 5ok no té un rendiment de l’11 sinó del 10% desprèn del quadre. Tot i això considero q es un bon producte i s’ha d’agrair q es pugui invertir en comunitat. Sou.collonuts💛

    • Xavier Vinolas EscodaXavier Vinolas Escoda says:

      Tens tota la raó, Manel. Gràcies per avisar i gràcies pel teu comentari. 11Onze no seria possible sense el vostre suport! 🙏

      4 months ago

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