Litigation Funding: has it worked for Dolors?

The members of our community who invested in Litigation Funding a year ago have already obtained their returns of between 9% and 11%. How was the process? Would they recommend it? Dolors Tomàs, a client of 11Onze, tells us about her experience.


It is just over a year since 11Onze Recommends launched Litigation Funding through one of our providers in the United Kingdom, offering the possibility of obtaining returns of between 9 and 11% for your money by financing the legal costs of law firms that pursue claims from citizens who were misled by banks or housing authorities.

With the capital 100% insured and a success rate on more than 90% of the litigations, the launch of this product has been a great success. But it’s one thing for us to tell you about it and another for our customers to tell you about their experience. Dolors Tomàs, a member of the 11Onze community, has invested because she trusts us and is satisfied with the results.

Social justice and high returns

For 11Onze, it is key to find feasible ways to offer socially conscious wealth creation opportunities for its community. Litigation Funding by 11Onze Recommends promises a good investment option. As James Sène, President of 11Onze explained: “Our litigation funds focus primarily on lawsuits against banks. This not only helps to deliver social justice; it also offers high returns above inflation thanks to the compensation the banks will have to pay”.

“If I found myself misled by a bank, I would not mind paying a high fee to lawyers to get justice done.”

This concept of doing social justice was one of the main reasons why Dolors decided to put her money towards Litigation Funding: “I saw that it was something that appealed to me and that was necessary. As a customer, I wouldn’t mind paying a high fee to lawyers to get a return if I was a victim of bank fraud.”

“It has worked very well. Litigation progress has been consistent through the initial formal steps by the law firm and to the point where most cases are being settled.”

How has Litigation Funding generated these profits?

Litigation Funding generates profits by funding the legal work of a law firm that focuses on lawsuits against the most delinquent municipalities and banks. As Farhaan Mir, 11Onze’s CFO, explains, “It has worked very well. The progress of litigation has been consistent through the initial formal steps by the law firm and to the point where most cases are being settled.”

“The capital is guaranteed by insurance, meaning that if the judicial process does not go as expected, and you don’t win the trial, you can get your money back”.

Dolors confirms that “everything has worked out very well” and adds that one of the reasons why she lost her fear of investing is that “the capital is guaranteed by insurance, meaning that iif the judicial process does not go as expected and you don’t win the trial, you can get your money back”. That is why 11Onze recommends this product, which is considered a unique and low-risk opportunity.

Fund lawsuits against banks. Get justice and returns on your savings above inflation thanks to the compensation the banks will have to pay. All the information about Litigation Funding can be found at 11Onze Recommends.

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  1. Roger Horta CallejaRoger Horta Calleja says:

    Gràcies Jordi, el meu dubte l’origina el fet de ser un guany obtingut en un país no comunitari. No sé com va la normativa.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Doncs s’ha de declarar com qualsevol altre guany, el fet de que sigui aconseguit al Regne Unit no canvia ni el fons ni la forma, i a més a més, no estem parlant d’un país considerat com a paradís fiscal… Jo tampoc sé la normativa, però per lògica, s’ha de declarar com a guany, i llestos. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Roger!

      4 months ago
  2. Roger Horta CallejaRoger Horta Calleja says:

    Bon dia, voldria saber com cadria declarar a la renda els guanys de Finança Litigis.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Doncs com qualsevol altre guany que hagis tingut i que sigui objecte de ser sumat a allò que has percebut per rendes del treball, o si fos el cas, prestació de jubilació o d’atur, o rendes per venda de valors, accions o actius. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Roger!!!

      5 months ago
  3. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

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