L’Academy: the series for the festive season
Looking for a series to watch in one sitting? ‘L’Academy’ is a documentary series that explains the start-up of 11Onze. Experience the excitement and vertigo of setting up the world’s first community fintech with its employees.
From day one, 11Onze has explained itself to the world with transparency and showing that this company has come to do things differently. The essence of it all is captured in ‘L’Academy’, a documentary series of nine chapters of about 15 minutes, where the viewer can experience from the inside the training process of the first employees of 11Onze.
A team that spent three weeks in an intense training campus, where they learned everything they are now putting into practice. An adventure in times of pandemic meant an important organisational effort, and that allowed the employees to create bonds of affection that made them a very close-knit group.
All this formative and emotional evolution can be seen in ‘L’Academy’. The candidates entered without knowing what they would find, not knowing anything or anyone. And they left full of knowledge and surrounded by friends. In between, there were ups and downs. Tough moments, when the academic load and pressure seemed unbearable; and moments of joy and awareness of the challenge that lay ahead.
2021 was the year in which this ambitious project, 11Onze, was launched. ‘L’Academy’ is the professional and human journey of the team that set it in motion.
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Molt be.
La meva visió des de una certa distància i havent seguit tot el que m’ha set possible tan sols puc afegir que no és pot calcular el preu en la dedicació, la voluntat, la tenacitat, les ganes, i per damunt de tot, que heu cregut amb un projecte que no sabieu com podia acabar. Felicitar-vos des del primer al darrer, cadascun dins de la seva parcel.la.
Gràcies Javier per les teves paraules. Aquí estem, seguim treballant, a vegades ens agradaria ser més àgils, però pas a pas, anem avançant.
Els treballadors convertits en una pinya.
A hores d’ara ja estan aixecant el castell. La pinya la fan els homes i les dones que reforcen la base. Com més gran és la pinya més pisos pot tenir el castell.
L’enhorabona per la feina feta. Amunt amb el toc de gralla !
Una sèrie que t’ensenya i amb la que aprens,el coratge,la generositat
Em après molt tots junts, encara queda molt per fer i per apendre Alicia! Gràcies a vosaltres que ens acompanyeu en aquest maravillos viatje! 💛
Gràcies, Joan!!!