How much money can I have in an 11Onze account?
El Canut, our super app, continues to grow and add functionalities that can sometimes raise questions among our customers. We spoke to Iu Alemany, back office manager at 11Onze, to clarify why there is a limit of 15,000 euros in 7 calendar days on deposits to 11Onze accounts.
“This doubt about the limitation on the amount that can be transferred is a great sign of the trust that our customers place in us,” says Iu Alemany. At 11Onze we want all financial services to be 100% secure. And that is precisely why, Alemany explains, our financial services provider needs to validate that all transactions exceeding 15,000 euros within 7 calendar days comply fully with the Law 10/2010.

“Law 10/2010 compels us to justify the origin of the money when it comes to income of more than €15,000. The Back Office team can help us to speed up the procedures”.
Why is the amount that can be transferred limited? What exactly does Law 10/2010 foresee?
In fact, it is possible to transfer more than 15,000 euros in 7 calendar days, whether it is €15,001 or €25,000, the whole amount will be blocked, not just the figure above €15,000. This amount will be withheld, because our financial provider, due to the money laundering regulations, this Law 10/2010, needs to validate the origins of this money with a series of documents. Once the documents presented by the client are validated by our provider, the money is no longer withheld and is immediately available to the client.
In the event that a client needs to make transfers of large amounts to the 11Onze account, what are the procedures to be followed?
If a customer plans to deposit more than 15,000 euros in less than 7 calendar days, they can do two things. First, make a deposit of just under 15,000 euros, wait 7 calendar days, and then deposit the amount you want again, thus avoiding the procedures explained above and the temporary retention of the money. You can make as many deposits as you wish following these rules, up to a maximum account balance of €50,000. If a customer with a balance of €50,000 on the account makes a new deposit, which exceeds the balance, this deposit will be returned to the account of origin once the relevant validations have been carried out.
And the second one?
If you notify the 11Onze Back Office team of your wishes by sending an email to [email protected], we can move forward with the procedures for each specific case, and therefore speed up the waiting time for the unblocking of the balance that is withheld. Or, if we have the documentation ready before the transfer, we can even inform our supplier in advance and justify the transfer that is about to be made. In this way, we will certainly be able to avoid withholding part of the incoming payment.
Do you think this limitation will be removed in the near future?
These deposit limits of €15,000, and a maximum balance of €50,000, are under review, and when changes are made we will inform you promptly. For now, we are improving the process to make it as painless as possible for the customer, and faster approval by our provider.
Did you expect people to transfer so much money to their 11Onze accounts?
We didn’t expect the response we’ve had in the short time we’ve been operational. The fact that our customers have had this doubt is a great sign of the trust they place in us, and of the desire they have to be part of a new way of doing finance. It is a clear sign that most people are tired of traditional banking and want to be part of something different. We have no doubt that all this passion in the Catalan financial sector translates into doubts, such as this limitation of 15,000 euros. That is why we want to make the path as easy, agile, and transparent as possible for our customers.
11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!
Estic buscant damnificats – com jo – pels abusius procediments de control de provinença dels fons (límit 14.999 €).
Qui em vol contactar em pot enviar un whatsapp (+39 370 3158222).
Objectiu : acció comuna
Estem gestionant tota la documentació per desbloquejar els fons. En poc temps els tindràs disponibles, per altra banda, fem esment dels límits a la Plaça: https://www.11onze.cat/magazine/quants-diners-transferir-compte-11onze/
Ja tinc la conta i la tarjeta, pero estic s l’espera de poder incluir a la mateixa conta la meva dona, ara es posible?
Em temo que, ara per ara i en aquest compte de pagament, això no és possible, perquè és per a un únic titular. Això no obstant, pot ser que productes similars que oferirem en el futur sí que permetin aquesta cotitularitat. Gràcies per plantejar-ho!
Informació és poder Daniela, gràcies per seguir!
Bona tarda, gràcies per la informació! Segueixo mantenint el meu compte actiu perquè crec en el vostre projecte, però de moment no el faig servir ja que no rebo notificacions push de cap moviment, cosa que em sembla indispensable per poder operar, ni es poden filtrar moviments. Fa uns dies, us vaig escriure i em vàreu informar que preparàveu una nova actualització aquella mateixa setmana i d’això ja fa uns mesos. Teniu previsió de quan llançareu una pròxima actualització per iOS? Gràcies!
Estigues atent a les novetats que vagin sortint a La Plaça, Jordi. Sí, tots estem esperant millores i actualitzacions, però de vegades triguen més del compte en arribar… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari.
Bona informació.
Ens alegrem que et sembli útil Joaquin.
I fins a quina quantitat podem tenir a un compte?
La quantitat que pots tenir la decideixes tu, però a partir dels 50.000 euros en béns (de tot tipus), a l’estranger, s’ha de presentar a hisenda el model 720, declarant aquests imports i/o béns.
Molt be 👍
Gràcies, Josep
Conèixer els límits i les raons que els motiven ens ajuda a ser més eficients. Gràcies
Sí, Francesc, això és transparència. Bon dissabte!
Poquet a oquet, però amb pas ferm 💪💪
Així les coses surten bé, Manuel!
També cal la documentació si és una altra persona qui et transfereix els diners o només quan tu mateix fas un traspàs d’un compte propi?
Sí, qualsevol pagament de més de 15.000, ha d’acreditar el seu origen.
11Onze segueix creixent i millorant els serveis gràcies
Correcte! I així seguirem 🙂
Gràcies, Joan!!!