Freshly, leaders in sustainable cosmetics

In 2015, three young people founded a natural cosmetics start-up. Six years later, the brand is consolidated in the national market with millions in profits. We talked to Salva Marsal about this success story born from young Catalan talent.


Indeed, the brand was born as a start-up in 2015 by Mireia, Joan, and Miquel, three chemical engineers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Their academic education and their professional backgrounds endorsed a clear objective: to produce cosmetics that were as natural as possible, but with a scientific basis that ensured health benefits. 

Six years later, they have more than a hundred products on the market and an exponential growth that has led them to close 2020 with turnover figures of 30 million euros. In this new episode of the podcast ‘Persones’, the head of communication at Freshly Cosmetics, Salva Marsal, gives us the keys to understanding the brand’s formula for success.


Environmental commitment 

With the philosophy that every action counts, from the packaging used to the local production of the products, they contribute to making the brand’s environmental footprint as low as possible. The company’s mission is based on a commitment to its customers, with the aim of caring for their health through personal hygiene and beauty products. 

But beyond caring for customers, they are also committed to caring for the planet. Two sides of the same coin that lead them to measure every step of the process to the millimetre, starting with the natural ingredients they use. “It’s about making formulas that are a balance between sustainability, with a percentage of more than 99% of natural products, and with a high level of functionality, which in the end is what the customer is looking for”. 

Growing in values

Despite having been born as an online sales channel, the brand has physical shops in Barcelona and Madrid, and now also in Valencia. “We want to be on the streets”, explains Salva. That’s why they offer ‘Freshly fans’ personalised advice that adds value to online shopping. A relationship of proximity that places customers at the core from a strategic point of view but, above all, as a brand philosophy. Now, in addition to consolidating its position in the domestic market, Freshly is looking at international growth in the coming years.


11Onze is becoming a phenomenon as the first Fintech community in Catalonia. Now, it releases the first version of El Canut, the super app of 11Onze, for Android and Apple. El Canut, the first universal account can be opened in Catalan territory.

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  1. Daniela SimónDaniela Simón says:
  2. Gabriel JosidGabriel Josid says:

    M’ha agradat la noticia, gràcies, i ja he comprat el meu primer producte natural de Freshly Cosmetics.
    Però, mira per on, el primer email promocional que rebo de Freshly és, (com és habitual) en Castellà. Tot i que vaig fer tot el procés de compra online en Català. Que més hem de fer per viure la nostra llengua amb normalitat?

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Doncs vaja! Potser haurem de tenir una mica més de paciència i esperar que passin coses més endavant… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Gabriel!

      3 years ago
  3. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Una gran idea un gran projecte i una manera de creuxer respectant el nostre planeta

  4. Xavier Obradó BarrilXavier Obradó Barril says:

    L’emprenedoria en la joventut ha de ser el puntal del país, si es vol ser capdevanters i tenir una economia forta i amb un bon potencial.
    I sobretot pensar en l’expansió internacional.

  5. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    Idees clares, amb gent jove així és pot fer un gran país.

  6. Santiago AlcoverroSantiago Alcoverro says:

    Excel.lent exemple d’empresa. Cal conèixer la història d’emprenedoria d’aquests tres joves. Cal explicar-la molt als joves estudiants.

  7. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:

    Fantastic 👏👏👏👏

  8. Anonymous says:

    Teníem a Catalunya uns joves espectaculars i ara una eina “bancària” que segur que els emprenedors joves del nostre país sabran aprofitar .🥰

  9. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:

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