“Community access to get the best price”
Faced with a scenario of economic crisis where rising petrol prices are added to runaway inflation, the collaborative economy is becoming vitally important when it comes to alleviating the increase in family expenses. But what does 11Onze recommend as a community? Lels Granado, head of B2B sales at 11Onze, explains it in a new episode of Estat de la Nació.
“We are very concerned about what our community needs, in order to adapt and be able to meet these needs”, explains Lels Granado. The rise in oil prices, she warns, is having global effects. That’s why platforms like car-sharing and carpooling, “can help people not only to save money, but also to contribute to environmental sustainability. We are sharing cars, and taking cars off the road,” says Granado.
In the face of prevailing economic uncertainty, 11Onze is working to leverage its community character to offer the best cost-saving solutions to its customers. “Today everything is shared, using new technologies to create platforms where people can meet and share things that were unimaginable until recently, such as sharing a ride with a stranger,” explains Granado.
“With our community fintech philosophy, we activate this community to do things that could not be done individually. Collectively accessing financial or savings products to provide individual solutions“, Granado proclaims. Because, indeed, collective action is key in the social organisation of the population, but also when it comes to joining forces to get the best financial and savings products.
If you want to wash your clothes without polluting the planet, 11Onze Recommends Natulim.
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Gràcies, Daniela!!!
Si, compartir és clau tant des del punt de vista econòmic per reduir despeses com des del punt de vista social👍
Exacte! I moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jordi!!!
En comunitat tenim més força, q no pas individualment
És exactament així, si unim els nostres esforços i anem tots a una, tindrem molta més força i se’ns escoltarà més. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Manel!!!