Do you know the best tip for saving money?
It is the most effective and, at the same time, the simplest savings trick. Very few people know about this strategy, but once you discover it, you can’t stop using it. We are talking about pre-saving by transfer.
With low salaries, precarious lives and a thousand expenses, how do you manage to save? We explain a method that will help you achieve financial independence. Of course, you will have to be mentally prepared, emotionally trained, and this is perhaps the most difficult part of managing your own finances. Because the advice we will give you needs perseverance and persistence, two virtues that Spanish citizens do not always demonstrate, judging by the data.
In Spain, more than half of the population does not manage to save more than 50 euros a month, and those who do save do not usually increase their balance by more than 200 euros. The issue, experts warn, is not that we don’t have money to save, but that we don’t know how to do it. That is why dozens of methods are invented that claim to be the ones that will really fix our situation: cutting expenses, using apps… But none of these methods is as effective as pre-saving.
Save before you spend
The formula is straightforward, because it has only two steps. The first step is to open a second account, a savings account. The second step is to ask your financial institution to make an automatic transfer to the savings account at the beginning of the month, once you receive your salary. You can start with 5% of your income.
The trick is so effective precisely because it is so simple, because you don’t even think about it. This way you don’t have to rack your brains thinking that you are not meeting the detailed spending budget you have set for that month: the money simply disappears before you can spend it. Moreover, as this money will automatically go to another account, you will be too lazy to move it again. Before you know it, in two months you will start to see the balance in your savings account steadily increase.
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Grans, senzills i eficaços consells. Moltes gràcies👌
Gràcies pel teu comentari, Jordi!😉
De tant senzill com és, sembla, fins i tot, agosarat. Però no tothom està en disposició de treure’s del metal.lic disponible una quantitat per estalviar, per molt minsa que sigui.
Cert, sembla senzill, però en realitat no ho és tant… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Santiago!!!
Gràcies, Daniela!!!
Dono fe, q aquest mètode funciona 😉
Felicitats, Manuel, gràcies per compartir.
Fàcil fàcil,👌
Totalment, tan sols prendre consciència. Gràcies Carles.
Bon consell.
Gràcies Pere.
Bon consells, grácies.
Moltes gràcies, Joaquin.
Gran Consell, 👌
Moltes gràcies, Carles
Si es una bona manera de’estalviar però cal mentalitzar-se que el compte d’estalvi,no es toca ,sinó tot aquezt esforç no serveix de res
Tens tota la raó, Alícia.
Ok 👍
Bona tècnica.
La gent aguditza el seu enginy per estalviar arran de la incertesa dels temps que corren, i tots que amb els diners no s’hi juga. Ens alegra que t’agradi Pere 💛
Molt be explicat
Celebrem que sigui entenedor per tots Ricard!
Jo, ho faig així. Si bé no he aconseguit estalviar gaire si que he pogut resoldre alguns imprevistos sense cap sotrac
Més o menys estalvis, això indica que has assolit l’estalvi amb èxit Francesc! Si com bé dius, t’han ajudat a afrontar imprevistos ja et pots sentir satisfet i orgullós del teu esforç 💪🏻 Enhorabona!
Gràcies, Joan!!!
Gràcies, Mercè!
Transferència programada. La manera, que ni vegis els diners, i potser l única…..per estalviar. Gran consell!
Tot allò que serveixi per estalviar serà benvingut… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Mercè!!!