Automobile Barcelona boosts electrification

The Barcelona International Motor Show hosts 23 brands and presents 18 new products, with the electric car as the main protagonist. At 11Onze we propose a tour of the stands that you can’t miss.


Despite the economic crisis that has marked the sector and the two postponements due to the confinement, until 10 October you can visit Automobile, the biennial event dedicated to the automobile in Barcelona. The show is one of the first in Europe that can be visited in person after the pandemic, and the interest it has aroused among visitors more than justifies this year’s slogan: “The illusion is back“.


Cupra Born, one of the sensations of the show

One of the most eagerly awaited vehicles at the event is the new Cupra Born, a 100% electric model from the Martorell-based company belonging to Seat, which has already begun production at the Zwickau plant (Germany). It shares the same platform as the Volkswagen ID.3, but with a sportier, performance-focused approach and a more aggressive aesthetic.

At the Cupra stand you can also see the UrbanRebel Concept, an electric prototype of an urban racing car, a design study that serves as inspiration for the final model that will be launched in 2025. Nor should we miss the spectacular Tavascan Extreme E Concept, which previews the design of the Cupra Tavascan planned for 2024.


The South Korean offensive

Kia presents two new products that also use electric drivetrains: the EV6, its first 100% electric crossover that not only debuts a new logo, but also sets the design trend for the brand’s future products; and the fifth generation of the Sportage, in a plug-in hybrid version.

On the Hyundai side, the Ioniq 5 can be seen, which debuts the same platform on which the EV6 is based. A retro-futuristic design, the successor of the Pony, but reminiscent of an Integrale, and which deceives at first glance, because it looks like a medium-size hatchback, but it is from a bigger segment.


A trend of 100% electric SUV and CUV

Nissan unveils, for the first time in Europe, the Ariya, a fully electrified SUV, and the new Qashqai MHEV, a hybrid. Ford showcased the familiar Mustang Mach-E GT, while on the Renault stand we can find the new Megane E-Tech, shorter but more spacious than the current Megane with a combustion engine.

A set of innovations that reinforce the current design cycle, in which SUV and crossovers or CUV have become fully established in the European market, and which, like it or not, is unlikely to change in the coming years, given the architecture of the modular electric platforms with the batteries at the bottom of the chassis.


Eternal rivals: BMW and Mercedes-Benz

The rivalry between BMW and Mercedes-Benz continues with the new paradigm of the electric market.

BMW presents the i4, essentially an electric 4 Series with the same Gran Coupé design and fifth-generation eDrive technology, and the iX, a close to five-metre-long SUV with a range of almost 600 kilometres.

We already knew about the Mercedes-Benz EQC, an SUV, and the EQS, the electric version of the S-Class, but now we can see the final version, along with the electrified “E-Class”, EQE. And yes, combustion engine lovers also have a novelty, the AMG GT Black Series, a 700+ horsepower supercar that looks set to give all its electrified peers a run for their money.


Made in Catalonia

We cannot conclude this tour without talking about Baltasar Revolt, an electric sports car that weighs only 700 kg, designed for the track, but which can also be driven on the road. Designed and manufactured in Cerdanyola del Vallès, and with its own batteries.

This information will be expanded soon with an interview with Baltasar López, CEO of the brand.


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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    👏👏👏L’electrificació es més important del que tots ens pensem. Es importantíssima, caldria promoure-la a tots els nivells

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Bé, hi ha altres sistemes com l’hidrogen i fins i tot l’aigua, que també ens ajudarien a viure en un món més ecològic… La pega del cotxe elèctric és la bateria, que fer-la i un cop ja no serveix, desfer-la, contamina molt, més del que ens podem pensar. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jordi!!!

      2 years ago
  2. Pere SorianoPere Soriano says:

    Gràcies. Poc a poc a la transició elèctrica.

  3. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  4. Anonymous says:

    A mi m’agradaria saber quin es el impacta ambiental del cotxe elèctric , per que nonesta masa clar una una cosa, el que no es contamina a la ciutat es contamirana en un altre lloc del planeta , jo soc conductor d’un híbrid quan el baig comprar pensaba en el planeta però amb el tems també emb plantejo un grapat de dubtes.

    • Xavier Vinolas EscodaXavier Vinolas Escoda says:

      Correcte, i també seria interessant veure un estudi sobre l’impacte mediambiental de fabricar un vehicle nou vs conservar un vehicle que ja tenim.

      3 years ago
    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      És cert que encara hi ha coses no resoltes Manel Miquel, cal deixar passar el temps per veure com evolucionen. Gràcies pel teu comentari, ens veiem per La Plaça

      3 years ago
  5. Ricard Calvo VilanovaRicard Calvo Vilanova says:

    Falta el impuls dels carregadors elèctric a benzineres

    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      A poc a poc tot arribarà Ricard!. Gràcies pel teu comentari, ens veiem per La Plaça

      3 years ago
    • Jordi Oller says:

      Completament d’acord Ricard, a veure si de mica en mica va millorant. Ens trobem a La Plaça.

      3 years ago
  6. David MateosDavid Mateos says:

    Seguwix preocupant els pocs punts de càrrega existents avui en dia. Encara estem a la cua d’Europa.
    Els preus dels electrics…, massa cars encara amb ajuds molt inferiors a la resta d’Europa.
    I deficiències en els transports publics. Un coctel bastant…’explosiu’ per a una transició ecològica i de mobilitat bastant… caòtica encara.

    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      Ens queda molta feina a fer David… però esperem que en un futur no massa llunyà això sigui possible. Gràcies pel teu comentari, en veiem per La Plaça

      3 years ago
  7. Francesc Estafanell PujolFrancesc Estafanell Pujol says:
    Francesc de Borja

    Mica en mica, la substitució de les energies basades en el carboni, és deixen enrere. Ja era hora!

    • Jordi Oller says:

      Així és Francesc, cada cop tenim més consciència ambiental. Ens veiem a La Plaça.

      3 years ago
  8. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:
  9. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Ganes de saber mes del baltasar revolt ,gracies per aquesta informaciio

    • Xavier Vinolas EscodaXavier Vinolas Escoda says:

      Jo també, un projecte molt interessant. Vaig poder conversar amb en Baltasar López al Saló, i hem quedat per fer una entrevista/podcast.

      3 years ago
    • Jordi Oller says:

      Ben aviat Alícia. Gràcies.

      3 years ago

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