Is the Moves III plan to buy a car for me?

From 10 April 2021, grants from the MOVES III Plan (or Moves Plan 2021) are available, which will run until 2023. This plan to help purchase electrified vehicles has an initial budget of €400 million, expandable up to €800 million, if the demand justifies it.


The budget for grants will be divided by autonomous communities, depending on their population. With this in mind, Andalusia would be the most benefited with €71.35 million, followed by Catalonia, with €65.79 million, the Community of Madrid, with €57.15 million, and the Valencian Community, with €42.63 million. Of course; it is not possible to submit applications until the Autonomous Communities have activated their plans

There are two types of grants:

  • For the purchase of plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles.
  • For the installation and development of recharging points throughout the territory — depending on the population, up to 80% of the total cost of the installation can be obtained.

In addition to cars, support is also provided for the purchase of vans, motorcycles, and quadricycles. Unlike the previous plan, MOVES II, trucks, buses, gas cars, and electric bicycles are excluded from this current plan.

Grants for individuals

For cars, grants can reach up to €7,000, as long as a car older than seven years is delivered for scrapping in return.

The types of vehicles that can benefit from the Plan are: 

  • 100% electric cars (EV or BEV) with an electric autonomy greater than 90 kilometres. For these, the maximum amount can reach €7,000. The requirements are:
    • Delivering a car over seven years old to be scrapped. Otherwise, the amount is reduced to €4,500.
    • The amount (excluding VAT) of the purchase of the new electric car cannot exceed €45,000, or €53,000 if it has 8 or 9 seats.
    • These same conditions apply to plug-in hybrids (PHEV) with more than 90 kilometres of approved autonomy (very few achieve this).
  • Plug-in hybrid cars (PHEV) with an electric autonomy of between 30 and 90 kilometres.
  • Cars with fuel cell technology (FCV or FCHV). The requirements are:
    • The maximum subsidy is €5,000, in exchange for a car older than seven years to be scrapped. Otherwise, the subsidy will be half, €2,500.
    • The purchase price cannot exceed €45,000 (excluding VAT).

Synthesis of the Plan for individuals, self-employed workers, and public administrations

Cars and SUVs are in the M1 category. N1 includes goods vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tons. L6e and L7e include quadricycles, and L3e, L4e, and L5e are motorcycles and tricycles.

Synthesis of the Plan for SMEs

Synthesis of the Plan for large companies

In order to prevent cities from concentrating most grants, the Spanish government is offering greater subsidies to municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants and their citizens. In these cases, it is 10% more of what is indicated in the tables above. However, the registration in this same municipality must be maintained for some years.

An increase of 10% is also granted to VTC services, taxis, and owners with disabilities.

The Spanish government expects that, with these grants, by 2023 there will be at least 250,000 electric vehicles in circulation. Also, a minimum of 100,000 recharging points (both public and private).

In the economic section, the government’s calculations predict that the Moves III Plan will involve an extra contribution of €2.9 billion to the Spanish GDP that will generate nearly 40,000 jobs along the entire value chain.


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  1. Pere SorianoPere Soriano says:

    Gràcies ha tots pels aclariments.

  2. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  3. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Gràcies tot i que es espès estar ben explucat

    • Pol says:

      Alícia és un tema a tenir molt en compte, sabem què és espès, per això també vàrem afegir les síntesis, per intentar resumir-ho

      4 years ago
  4. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:
  5. Jordi FerréJordi Ferré says:

    Que bo. 👍

  6. Angel Moya AlvarezAngel Moya Alvarez says:

    El que falta explicar es que aquesta subvenció tindrà que ser declarada en la propera declaració de renda, amb el que això Toca, si et donen els 7000, prepara 2000€ a pagar de renda, teniu que explica-ho tot, gràcies

    • Toni MataToni Mata says:

      Cert Angel, tots els ajuts apareixen a la renda. I et toca pagar més o menys segons els teus ingressos o la resta de despeses a desgravar. Gràcies per l’aportació!

      4 years ago
    • Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:
      4 years ago
    • Aitor Canudas says:

      Moltes gràcies Angel. En prenem bona nota

      4 years ago

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