11Onze Recommends: Monthly Return, 22% in 2 years

We continue to expand the savings options for the community. After the good reception of Litigation Funding, the same provider proposes Monthly Return, how to make your savings generate an income every month.


A few months ago, 11Onze Recommends offered a savings product from a British provider, Litigation Funding. With an initial contribution of 10,000 euros, you could earn 9% at the end of the contract, i.e. 1 or 2 years depending on the case and the amount.

Since then, the community has demanded a product that would provide a monthly income from savings and, for this reason, we have worked on a new product exclusively for the 11Onze community. This is Monthly Return, designed for large savers and companies that contribute a minimum of 100,000 euros. Customers will see their savings grow by 22.5% over the duration of the contract (24 months). However, it is important to bear in mind that the monthly income begins to arrive after the seventh month.

Farhaan Mir, 11Onze’s Chief Financial Officer, says: “We listened to our community and tried to bring in what fits their needs. People had asked for monthly returns, so we talked to our supplier to get them on board”.

In this sense, the 11Onze Recommends slogan will have to be updated. Until now, we used to say If it doesn’t exist, we create it. If it exists, 11Onze Recommends. In this case, 11Onze has asked for this exclusive product to be created for our community.

There is no other product that offers these returns, combining security and liquidity.

So, in a context where banking remunerates savings very poorly and where inflation continues to depreciate money, Monthly Return is shaping up as an excellent option for those who want to make their savings profitable. And the returns are very high, 22.5% accumulated in 2 years is a figure unparalleled in the market. According to Mir, “As far as I know, there is no other product that offers these returns, combining security and liquidity”. All this while remembering that the initial capital is covered by insurance, so it is a low-risk product.


How is it possible?


For more information about Monthly Return you can visit the 11Onze Recommends webpage and if you are interested, you can contact the provider. To receive all the information you need to complete the self-certification as a qualified investor. It should be noted that completing the self-certification does not commit you to carry out the operation, as explained in this article.


Savings for all pockets


With this new 11Onze Recommends product, 11Onze offers saving products for all budgets. From 3,000 euros you can participate in Gold Seed or Gold Patrimony, from 10,000 euros with Litigation Funding and now Monthly Return is aimed at savers and businesses with capital from 100,000 euros. As we at 11Onze have been warning for some time, all to avoid losing purchasing power in a context of inflation that has become structural.


If you want to find out how to get returns on your savings with a social justice product, 11Onze recommends Litigation Funding.


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  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  2. Jonathan Gómez PratsJonathan Gómez Prats says:

    Sens dubte, un producte molt interessant però…. així com (Finança Litigis) va donar la possibilitat de participacio a petits inversors, no veig perquè no es pot aplicar el mateix principi a (Retorn Mensual) donant lloc a una situació d’igual condició , tant pel peix gran com pel petit. Digueu-me boig! personalment entenc que seria just i raonable
    plantejar-ho així.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      No sé exactament perquè és així, però deu de ser un tema del propi producte en sí mateix… De totes maneres moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jonathan, segur que arribarà la teva pregunta a on ha d’arribar.

      11 months ago
    • Santiago VázquezSantiago Vázquez says:

      Jo també estic amb Tú, estava pensant que no tothom té 10.000€per a invertir.
      Igual com en les compres d’or es pot invertir a partir de 3.000-4.000€, aquests tipus de rendiments es podrien oferir a petits inversors.

      11 months ago
  3. Carles MarsalCarles Marsal says:

    Molt bona aquesta. Fantàstic.
    Ara només em falten el cales😬.
    Però gràcies per donar aquesta oportunitat a la comunitat.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Ja ho pots ben dir que només ens falten els diners, Carles… De la manera que està tot avui en dia, és molt complicat i difícil poder estalviar una mica de diners com per poder-los invertir… I és el mateix de sempre, qui més té, més possibilitat té de poder “rascar” alguna cosa, si no tens res per poder invertir, segur que no podràs “rascar” res de res… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Carles!!!

      12 months ago
  4. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Bon producte us felicito

  5. Manel RoigManel Roig says:

    Què interessant!

  6. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    👏👏👏 Sou molt grans.

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