11Onze, pioneers in financial education in Europe
The European Commission and the OECD’s International Financial Education Network have published a major European framework for promoting financial literacy. The report is the result of two years of work and aims to ensure that European citizens have all the tools they need to manage their money. 11Onze is the first financial institution based on financial literacy in its community.
Financial literacy refers to a combination of critical thinking, knowledge, personal skills and habits that enable us to make the right decisions for individual and collective financial well-being. It is with this objective in mind that the European Commission and the OECD’s International Financial Education Network have promoted this framework, which is not only a comprehensive curriculum, but also a conceptual basis on which to build the financial policies of Europe’s nations.
As such, the report provides a set of competencies to support the development, implementation and updating of national financial education strategies; to promote financial education programmes and the development of teaching materials; and to reduce the exclusion that leaves behind the most vulnerable citizens, such as the elderly, young people, migrants and women.
11Onze has been at the forefront of creating financial education materials, and now the European framework adds new useful work streams to continue creating content. Specifically, the framework provides tools for understanding the world of finance based on four main thematic areas:
- Financial transactions, i.e. everything to do with money and currency; income; prices, purchases and payments; and financial records and contracts.
- Home economics, i.e. all those skills that enable us to manage in the short and long term, such as saving, investing, managing income through budgeting and planning.
- Risks and rewards, i.e. financial security, insurance, risk assessment and financial products.
- Financial ecosystem, or all those skills related to consumer protection, financial advice, public spending, taxation and the characteristics of the global financial ecosystem.
Financial literacy, the main pillar of 11Onze
Financial literacy is precisely the main pillar underpinning La Plaça of 11Onze, a pioneering digital platform that brings together an active community of more than 10,000 people. La Plaça is the agora for building financial sovereignty. For this reason, it promotes content about the world of finance, from less to more in-depth. This is how the Magazine is updated daily, with special sections such as 11Onze Check for the verification of information, and pills prepared by our agents are published.
With the same purpose in mind, the lessons in the Learn section are promoted, such as the documentary series ‘El Diner’ and courses on the collaborative economy, fish markets, basic income and oligopolies, among others. In the same way, 11Onze promotes more careful productions through 11Onze TV, such as the documentary ‘L’Academy’ or the podcasts Pasta Z, Bank Abuse and People, always with the economy and money management as the thematic axis.
In addition, the fincom has opened up a new area for the dissemination of financial content through Fintech Talks and the ‘11Onze School’ project. The Fintech Talks are a meeting point on financial innovation for all audiences and, especially, for entrepreneurs, startups and companies, organised in collaboration with Monday, a network of coworking spaces in Spain. And ‘11Onze School’ offers training sessions on the world of fintech in educational centres, companies and professional associations.
11Onze is the fintech community of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut on Android and Apple and join the revolution!
Bona explicació
Celebrem que t’hagi agradat, Ricard!
Som-hi 👍💪
Gràcies, Alícia
L’educació la gran base de tota societat.
I molt necessària Pere, gràcies pel teu comentari!
Sí, totes les formacions estan genial, felicitats als agents d’onze. Una formació que us propose són els qüestionaris de la MIFID obligatoris per a tots els inversors que estableix el BCE a totes les entititats de l’espai europeu, donen bastant que parlar a tot arreu i els inversors es queixen a les entitats de que no estan applicant el MIFID correctament utilitzant-les per afavorir els seus interesos de la entitat enlloc dels inversors de fora de les entitats, aplicant-les arbitràriamen bloquejant a usuaris i aplicant la informació obtinguda dels usuaris bloquejats sobre usuaris desbloquejats de la entitat.
Gràcies, Jordi, prenem nota, és una molt bona proposta.
La veritat és que doneu un valor afegit als que formem part d’11Onze.
La formació són els fonaments indispensables, per fer pases amb seguretat.
Comentari molt encertat el teu, Manel, totalment d’acord amb el que ens dius, i moltes gràcies pel teu comentari.
La formació és un dels motius que em fan ser aquí, un altre la transparència i el tercer la comunitat. Tots tres en un mateix nivell.
Gràcies, Albert per formar part d’11Onze
Ok 👍
Visionaris és poc.
Dóna gust veure com 11onze les endevina totes i s’anticipa amb un pla estudiat i portat a terme amb professionalitat i eficàcia. Segur que n’hi ha que no l’ entenen, no l’ hi donen importància, i a alguns els irrita.. . Altres ja copien….
Aquest marc europeu amb els 4 àmbits d’actuació ho clava. Sembla que les conclusions finals les hagi inspirat la Plaça 😉 . Gràcies per la feina feta!
Gràcies, Mercè, l’educació financera seguirà sent el nostre pilar.