11Onze Escola is up and running

Games, didactic guides, virtual or face-to-face classes… 11Onze offers a new free educational service to the people of La Plaça and to the entire educational community of the country.


11Onze is extending its commitment to financial education and is launching 11Onze Escola, a project for schools throughout the country to train their students in economic and financial matters. Everything is available with open access at 11Onze Escola. Work has been carried out over the last few months with the aim of providing teachers and students with tools to complement the educational curriculum, broadening their view of the new economy.

During the last academic year, a teacher member of La Plaça asked if a representative of 11Onze could give a class for his students. “A high-school teacher impressed by the information shared at La Plaça“, explains 11Onze President James Sène, “asked us if we could offer a financial education session to his students. We decided to go one step further and offer financial education sessions and make them available to everyone.

Since then, pilot tests have been carried out at the Cendrassos Secondary School in Figueres and the Arraona Secondary School in Sabadell. The result is an ambitious project. “We estimate that we can offer 52 face-to-face or virtual classes,” explains Content Director Toni Mata, “but the platform is designed so that teachers can use our material directly.

“Our mission is to engage and educate young students to improve their financial literacy”.

That’s right. Using content from 11Onze’s La Plaça, such as El Diner series, we have developed teaching guides that allow you to run a class and test students with gamified quizzes.


What classes do you offer?

If you request a class with 11Onze, you can choose whether you want it to be virtual or face-to-face. In both cases, an 11Onze representative will offer you a 1-hour class. We currently offer three types of classes: Introduction to Financial Education, Open Banking, and Digital Currencies.

In these classes, we can touch on some important topics of the new economy, which do not figure prominently in the current educational curriculum, but which are crucial for the immediate future, given the digitalisation of the economy. Classes on integrated finance, CBDC, tokenisation, mining, open banking … “We believe that students need to be prepared to manage their money in an environment that will be radically different from the one we have now,” Mata explains.

According to a Greenlight study, nearly three-quarters of teenagers (74%) said they do not feel confident in personal finance knowledge. About the same percentage of teens (73%) said they want to learn more. “Our mission is to engage and educate young students to improve their financial literacy by teaching them how money works and the technology behind it“, explained 11Onze CEO James Sène, adding that “we understand that without basic financial education, children and young adults will face immense difficulties in managing their finances effectively. This could lead to bad credit, bankruptcy and no savings”.

“With the right knowledge, citizens make the right decisions and keep a better eye on their rulers and companies. It’s a question of financial education, but at heart, it’s a question of democracy.”

How to book a class

Please fill in a form available at 11Onze Escola to book a class. The initiative is aimed at everyone, but at 11Onze we have planned to be able to give a maximum of 52 face-to-face/virtual classes this academic year. “This means that many requests will obviously not be able to be met this year. That is why it is important to book as early as possible and why we have also made sure the 11Onze Escola platform is full of content that secondary school teachers can use directly,” says Mata.

As James Sène explains: “We cover topics such as credit cards, cryptocurrencies and money management. For young people, digital banking is no longer a mystery, even if they don’t know much about all the processes behind it. As almost all of them have financial apps on their mobile phones, they are interested in financial education.”

The 11Onze Escola project is key for the Catalan institution, which has always had financial education and transparency as one of its pillars. “With the right knowledge, citizens make the right decisions and keep a better eye on their rulers and companies. It is a question of financial education, but at the end of the day it is a question of democracy“, says Mata.


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    M’agrada molt aquestes sessions d’escoles, sobretot la d’ensenyar Quina tecnologia hi ha al darrere del funcionament dels diners, cookies, pop-ups…i com veure les actualitzacions 👍

  2. Josep Grifoll SauríJosep Grifoll Saurí says:

    He vist que ja hi ha algunes escoles que us han contactat per a dur a terme aquesta activitat. Quins serien els cursos d’ESO que penseu podrien ser bons receptors de la vostra formació?

    • Oriol Garcia FarréOriol Garcia Farré says:

      Bona tarda, Josep. L’activitat està pensada per 3r i 4art d’ESO, 1r de Batxillerat i alguns Cicles Formatius. Si necessites més informació, a través del corresponent formulari et podem facilitar tota la informació tècnica de l’activitat. Moltes gràcies per a contactar. Seguim a La Plaça!

      2 years ago
  3. Pere Maria EstremPere Maria Estrem says:
    Pere Maria

    Es una iniciativa molt i molt interessant.

  4. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:

    Gràcies, 11Onze un article món interessant

  5. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Quina idea tan genial us felicito

  6. Lara dCLara dC says:

    Fantàstic! Sempre endavant liderant projectes tan xulos com aquest! 💛

  7. Josep Grifoll SauríJosep Grifoll Saurí says:

    Diria que alguna entitat bancària competidora ja ho fa de manera discreta. En tot cas, plantejar una formació en finances a l’escola és cabdal i fer-ho en sentit de donar eines veritablement útils als escolars és bàsic. És una iniciativa molt bona.

    • Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

      Si Josep, estem encantats de liderar aquesta iniciativa, ja que realment el què compta son les motivacions de base i la necessitat detectada de formar urgentment a les noves ments que arriben, de manera que siguin més conscients i puguin gestionar-se millor. Més educació, més llibertat.

      2 years ago
  8. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    No deixeu de sorprendre’m gratament, aquesta és una molt bona eina pel país. Un jovent ben format fa ric un país. Moltes gràcies per dotar-nos d’aquestes eines tant útils i necessàries.

    • Mireia Cano says:

      Gràcies per les teves paraules, Manel! Com bé dius la formació és una eina clau pel futur d’un país. 😉

      2 years ago
  9. Carles MarsalCarles Marsal says:

    Molt bona aquesta, si el país ho sap aprofitar serem molt millors com a persones 👌

    • Mireia Cano says:

      I estarem més preparats per a prendre les nostres pròpies decisions. Gràcies, Carles! 🙌

      2 years ago
  10. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    👌 Nova escola per a futurs catalans de primera divisió sense intromissions, pressions ni dirigisme.
    Segur que reixirà. Gràcies!

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