The Vinari Awards gala is here!
The Auditori de Vilafranca del Penedès will host the awards ceremony for the best Catalan wines on Friday 8 October.
There are only a few hours left until the Vinari Awards gala for the best Catalan wines of 2021. The awards ceremony, which this year reaches its ninth edition, will take place at the Auditori de Vilafranca del Penedès from 10:10 pm, and can be followed live on Canal 33, in an event hosted by the writer Màrius Serra. The celebration will include, among others, the participation of Mag Lari, who will be livening up the day with a magic show.
The results of eight wine categories and the special awards will be announced at the autumn gala. It is worth remembering that in July the best young wines (white, red, young sparkling and rosé categories) were awarded prizes, as well as the wine tourism awards, and that last September the final tasting of the wines that will now be presented at the gala was held. Thus, this Friday, the results in the remaining categories will be announced, awarded the Grand Gold, Gold and Silver medals, as well as the special awards for this year’s edition.
The wine awards of the gala:
- Crianza Whites
- Crianza Red Wines
- Aged Red Wines
- Rosé Sparkling Wines
- Sparkling Wines aged between 18 and 30 months
- Sparkling wines aged between 30 and 60 months
- Sparkling wines aged for more than 60 months
- Sweet, mellow, or dessert wines
- Best sparkling wine
- Best Catalan wine
Special prizes:
- Vinari AGBAR Award for the best Organic Project.
- Vinari Ara Lleida-Diputació de Lleida Award for the best wine taster
- Vinari Turisme de Barcelona Award for the Best Wine Tourism Initiative
- Vinari Vins i Licors Grau Award for the Professional Career in the Wine World
- Vinari Varias Impressors Award for the best label
- Vinari Euroselecció Riedel Award for Best Winery
An agreement to promote heritage
The digital portal Vadevi.cat and the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA) signed a new collaboration agreement this summer to give a voice to the Catalan wine sector in 2021. The agreement is part of the CCMA’s mission of promotion and dissemination, and its commitment to guarantee coverage of major cultural events and, in this case, also of the country’s gastronomic wine heritage.
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Tot un reconeixement internaciinal per a una terra que grans vins.
Gràcies David.
He vist la gala. Ha estat bé. I el mag també.
Efectivament Pere, ha sigut una gala molt entretinguda
Un encert per part d’ 11Onze, patrocinar aquests premis.
Arrelament al país
Gràcies, Mercè.
Una de les molt bones coses que tenim. No cal dir l’excel·lència en aquest camp que tenim. 💪💪💪
Del tot Vicenç, gràcies.
Bona feina que feu i heu fet donant a coneixer les DO i patrocinant aquets premis
Gràcies, Alícia!!, ens veiem per La Plaça
Bona feina. Ho celebrarem. 🥂
Nosaltres també ho celebrem!