Discover the winners of the Summer Wine Awards

The contest sponsored by 11Onze awards the best young wines and the best wine tourism proposals.


The Catalan wine sector has experienced an unmissable event this Friday, July 9, in the auditorium of Vilafranca del Penedès. The Vinari Awards, the most prestigious in the world of wine in Catalonia, have celebrated the summer gala, seeking the normalization of the sector despite anti-Covid precautions.

The event, organized by Vadevi and presented by Maria Almenar, has recognized the best young wines and the best wine tourism proposals and, therefore, has given very relevant information to consumers for summer season. A representation of the 11Onze team, led by the CEO, Natàlia Cugueró, was present at the event with the aim of supporting a key industry in our country for the economy, landscape and sustainability.

The Vinari have recognized a total of 64 wines, 4 of which have won the Vinari Gran Or award and will receive a distinctive label that will make them recognizable in stores. They are as follows:

  • Best young white wine: LaFou Els Amelers 2020, by LaFou Celler (DO Terra Alta)
  • Best young red wine: Black 2020 from the MontRubí winery (DO Penedès)
  • Best rosé wine: Masia Freyé Syrah Sumoll 2020, Vallformosa (DO Penedès)
  • Best young sparkling wine (up to 18 months old): Honor Cava Brut Ecològic 2019, Celler Jan Vidal (DO CAVA)

The gala, paired with the performance of the jazz group The Summer Lovers, brought together Catalan institutions around wine. In addition to Natàlia Cugueró, the mayoress of Rubí, Ana Maria Martínez, presented awards; the general director of the Catalan Institute of Vine and Wine, Alba Balcells; the Mayor of Vilafranca del Penedès, Pere Regull and the Minister for Climate Action, Food and the Rural Agenda, Teresa Jordà.

The best wine tourism proposals were also chosen at the Vinari:

  • Award for the best wine tourism accommodation: Hotel BUIL & GINÉ from the winery BUIL & GINÉ, Gratallops (DOQ Priorat)
  • Award for the best wine tourism project in the category of catering and pairing experience: Garden Restaurant El Celleret de Família Torres, Pacs del Penedès (DO Penedès)
  • Award for the best wine tourism visit and wine tasting experience: Celler Masia Serra, Cantallops (DO Empordà)

If you want to know the rest of the wines and wine tourism activities awarded at the Summer Wineries, you will find them at this link.


After the gala, the audience chatted with a mask outside the auditorium of Vilafranca. The general feeling was one of satisfaction, with the desire for the pandemic to allow the next awards to be handed out as normal. The next appointments for the 2021 Wine Awards are on September 13 at the Celler de Rubí and on October 8 with the big autumn gala in Vilafranca del Penedès. 11Onze will be present, next to the world of wine.

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  1. Pere Maria EstremPere Maria Estrem says:
    Pere Maria

    Gratallops, poble per visitar. I Cantallops també.

  2. Carles Mateu del Rio i de BatlleCarles Mateu del Rio i de Batlle says:
    Carles Mateu

    Esta molt be, tot el tema del vi m’agrada molt.

    • Sergi Colell Vázquez says:

      Ens alegre’m que t’hagi agradat gràcies pel comentari! 💛

      3 years ago
  3. EduMC

    Visca la Terra i els seus productes!!

  4. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  5. Ramon PuigRamon Puig says:

    Quina meravella, gracies per ser com sou, ha on hem de demanar que hi hagin mes empreses que facin maridatge entre cultura qualitat de productes i negoci, en definitiva fer país, molt agraït, jo penso que el canvi ja es a prop.

    • Silvia GarrigaSilvia Garriga Sole says:

      Celebrem que t’agradi Ramon, fer país és un dels objectius que tenim.

      3 years ago
  6. Rosa Maria SoléRosa Maria Solé says:
    Rosa Maria

    Molt bé, patrocinant els bons vins de la nostre terra.

  7. Esther CanovasEsther Canovas says:

    Molt be!! Endavant

    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      Gràcies pel teu comentari. Ens veiem a la Plaça

      4 years ago
  8. Esther CanovasEsther Canovas says:
  9. Miquel Pérez CorralMiquel Pérez Corral says:

    Bona iniciativa fem País 👏🏽👏🏽

  10. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:

    Molt be 👏👏👏👏🥂

    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      Moltes gràcies Josep!!! Ens seguim veient per la Plaça

      4 years ago
  11. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Quina il·lusió el banc de les persones, el banc que estimo abans de que surti, i el vi
    Això si es un maridatge

    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      Un bon maridatge, i tant. Gràcies pel teu comentari Alícia

      4 years ago

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