Final tasting of the Vinari 2021 Awards is here
Celler Rubí is once again hosting the awards ceremony, which this year celebrates their ninth edition and of which 11Onze is the main sponsor
The month of the final tasting has arrived. On Monday 13 September, the Vinari 2021 Awards will select the finalists from the nearly 200 wines that have passed the first phase in the categories of whites, reds and crianza sparkling wines, as well as fortified, rancid and sweet wines. While the best young wines were chosen in the summer, this autumn there are still a few more categories to be decided.
Nearly twenty professionals will take part in a tasting day at Celler Rubí, in the ninth edition of the awards, for which 11Onze is the main sponsor. Sommeliers, oenologists, members of the INCAVI tasting panel and opinion leaders from the Catalan wine sector, will give their marks to the wines that have passed the first phase and that are now competing to be the best Catalan references of the year.
The big party will be the autumn gala
The final Vinari Awards ceremony will be held at the beginning of October at the Auditorium of Vilafranca del Penedès, in a gala that Televisió de Catalunya will broadcast live. The Vinari Awards give medals in five categories: Vinari Great Gold, Vinari of Gold, Vinari of Silver and Best Catalan Wine of the Year. At the same time, the blind-tasted wines with the best scores will be announced at the event.
At the awards ceremony, Catalan wineries will also be recognised with special prizes for their professional careers in the world of wine, the best hashtag, the best organic project, the best winery, the best wine taster and the best initiative for innovation and tourism promotion in Catalonia.
The Vinari Awards organized by the VADEVI.cat portal, which includes up to thirteen DO (denominations of origin) in Catalonia, promote the country’s wines and stimulate responsible consumption and local commerce. They are also a showcase for all Catalan wineries, which find in them a space for international projection. The awards, in short, disseminate the culture, the territory and the quality of Catalan wines among consumers.
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Fer País Fent País…!!
El vi catala es un gran patrimoni, fruit de la comunió entre el territori, la tradicio, la bona feina i la passió. Un gran encert donar-hi suport!!
És un tresor del qual ens hem de sentir molt orgullosos i afortunats!!! Gràcies per estar aquí a la plaça Guillem!
S’ha de veure vi del país, que son molt bons.
Totalment d’acord, Rosa Maria… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!!!
Moltes gràcies, Laura!!!
Moltes gràcies, Joan!!!
Gràcies 11Onze per ser al costat dels vins catalans
Són un tresor nacional que s’han de fer visibles!