Two women ignored by history books

Throughout our education we have learnt great people that have marked history by their findings or research. The vast majority of them are the names of men who have achieved success. What the books do not tell you is that many of these men have worked together with women, without whom their achievements would not have been possible.


In all sectors of work we find women who have been made invisible simply because they are women. In many cases, their work has even been attributed to the figure of a man who has received all the recognition, and the world of economics is no exception. We want to shine a light on these women who have been left in the shadows and vindicate their contribution to history.


Beatrice Webb, revolutionary ideas

From an early age, Beatrice had many intellectual interests and was very interested in socialist ideas as a result of the revolutionary ideas that were current at the time. She was born in 1858 in Gloucester, England, a time when the working class of the Industrial Revolution suffered indiscriminate exploitation by the bosses and families lived in misery. Driven by this context and her delicate health, Beatrice undertook a practically self-taught education with a strong focus on philosophy, science and literature.

In 1890 she met the socialist intellectual Sidney Webb, who later became her husband. Together they began to work on new theories by holding meetings with other socialist sympathisers where they would argue for hours on different subjects. In 1897 they published what was to be the most important work of their lives and a key instrument for understanding the non-Marxist socialist revolution in England, “Industrial Democracy”.

They are credited with the idea of a state guaranteeing a decent life for its citizens, a term she herself called the house-keeping state. Although they formed a perfect tandem and worked together on different publications, only the name of her husband, Sydney Webb, went down in history as one of the most important social reformers in England.


Anna Schwartz, essential to monetarist theory

If we mention the name Friedman, it is likely that we have heard of him or even recognise him as the father of monetarist theory. And he certainly contributed to the creation of his reputation, but he was helped by Anna Schwartz, a researcher who remained in the shadow of Friedman’s prestige.

Born in New York in 1915, she spent much of her life working at the National Bureau of Economic Research in her native city. In 1963, however, her career took a leap forward with the publication of “A Monetary History of the United States, 1867 to 1960’, a work that came to light thanks to the joint research of Schwartz and Milton Friedman. The work marked the history of the US economy and is still today a benchmark for good economic management and how to avoid fluctuations at the national level.

Friedman was named as the founding father of monetarist theory, relegating Schwartz to second place. In 1976 she received the Nobel Prize in Economics for her work with Schwartz, but she received no mention in the committee or in the public sphere. Years later, British critics highlighted Schwartz’s research, claiming its importance in the development of the theory, but she did not receive recognition.

They are just two examples of women who have contributed to history but who, because they are women, have been relegated to the background, to the shadows. Now, with more resources than before and a more critical eye, we can dust off those figures who, despite having made their contribution, have been excluded from the history books.


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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Siii si els homens són els que ho han descobert tot en esta vida pública segons la majoria de llibres d’història. Ara quan parlen de responsabilitat…. escampen la boira i qüasi ningú diu res, vergonyós però malauradament es tot un clàssic.

    • Silvia GarrigaSilvia Garriga says:

      Sembla que l’empoderament femení pot ajudar a aflorar totes aquestes i altres dones que han fet molt per la història, la cultura, l’economia, la ciència….

      2 years ago
  2. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    No és de l’àmbit de l´economia però és interessant : Anestesiòloga
    Maria Oliveras i Collellmir (Argelaguer, 1910 – Barcelona, 2009) des de ben petita fou una dona estudiosa i perseverant. Tot i ser l’hereva d’una família ramadera i humil, va superar tot tipus d’obstacles per accedir a l’educació superior i estudiar medicina. Va acabar la carrera i just després va començar la seva trajectòria estel·lar com analista de laboratori i metgessa al Institut Neurològic de Barcelona.l’any 1948, importà la tecnologia i els coneixements d’Oxford, esdevenint una de les úniques persones especialista en l’anestèsia del nostre país. Va treballar als millors quiròfans, era una professional molt sol·licitada i

  3. Manel LopezManel Lopez says:

    jajaja, molt bo

    • Jennifer Roca Civit says:

      Celebrem que t’agradi aquest article de les dones economistes, Manel. Ens veiem per la Plaça!

      3 years ago
  4. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Estic d’acord amb l’Albert, i a mes cal fer la recerca en tots els àmbits el de l’art tb com Camile Clàudel amant de’n Renoir al que se li atribueixen obres d’ella
    Frida Khalo ….i un etc en molts àmbits, fora un bon treball de recerca i anar publicant a la comunitat

  5. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  6. Vicente Amoretty MarquezVicente Amoretty Marquez says:

    La capacitat de la dona sempre ha existit, per desgràcia a estat poc reconegut, així que és l’hora de empoderarlas pels seus mèrits i els seus èxits.

    • Silvia GarrigaSilvia Garriga Sole says:

      Gràcies per l’apreciació Vicente, mica en mica segur que s’aconsegueixen els reconeixements merescuts. Esperem poder posar algun granet de sorra des de La Plaça.

      4 years ago
  7. AlbertAlbert Chic Giménez says:

    Cal fer molta recerca històrica -atès que la societat patriarcal s’ha dedicat a amagar-ho- per recuperar biografies de dones importants. Aquest pot ser un petit gra de sorra per tal que les dones recupereu el paper d’igualtat total a la societat a què teniu dret. Això, de retruc, pot fer que moltes nenes, futures dones, tinguin referents i contribueixin elles també a la construcció d’una societat paritària de veritat.

  8. Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

    Bon article, cal potenciar més el paper de la dona en la nostra història!!

  9. Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

    En coneixem alguna coneguda catalana del món industrial o financer?

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