Tips for protecting yourself from the sun
Although we really like to spend the day on the beach, bathe, and enjoy a good time near the sea, it never hurts to remember a few tips so as not to suffer more than necessary under the strong and warm summer sun.
The sun is not bad for our skin, on the contrary: solar radiation is critical so that our body can synthesize vitamin D, an essential vitamin that helps absorb calcium and strengthen our immune system.
In fact, there are countries that, during the winter or some times of the year, almost cannot enjoy sunlight (such as various places in the Arctic Circle), and it is recommended that those who travel there during these times and stay there for a relatively long time take vitamin D in capsules, so as not to suffer harmful effects on the body.
Between too little and too much sun
It is estimated that, given the power of the sun in summer, there is no need for more than 10 or 15 minutes of daily exposure to the sun to receive the amount of vitamin D needed per day. From here, then, a continuous and unprotected exposure can cause very harmful effects on our skin.
That is why it is very important not to underestimate the effects of spending too many hours on the beach, and take sufficient protective measures to be able to enjoy a good holiday without having to suffer the negative consequences of excessive sun exposure.
Avoid noon
For starters, very important: the schedule. We all know that in the morning, when the sun is rising, it is less hot. The same happens at the end of the day, during sunset. This is because, due to the rotation of the Earth, there are times of the day when the sun’s rays hit us more directly: it is what is popularly known as “a burning sun”.
These hours of maximum solar power are usually around noon, from 12 to 4 p.m., and these are the times to avoid indiscriminate solar exposure: we will put ourselves in the shade, go for a drink, or go home for lunch.
Sunscreen, all year round!
But while we avoid the most dangerous hours, the star king is still up there, so we need to protect our skin as well. This implies, above all, using a good sunscreen which helps us to withstand the harmful effects of excess ultraviolet rays.
It is best to use a +50 protection factor sunscreen in the exposed areas of the body, and apply it again at least every two hours. It should also be noted that if we go to the water to cool off, the protective effect of the cream will quite possibly last less, and we’ll have to apply it again sooner.
Furthermore, it is important not to forget certain parts of the body, such as the ears or feet, because we often forget they are also exposed, so as not to wake up the next day with an unpleasant surprise in the form of burns.
The hat as a complement
Sunburn has a problem, however: there are areas that are not entirely accessible for it. One is obviously hair. Despite thinking that hair already protects ours capillary area, the truth is that continued exposure can cause us future problems.
So how can we avoid it? While spray sunscreens for hair are becoming more popular lately, the most logical and also the most traditional solution is very easy: use a cap or hat. In this way, we can protect our hair area without any problems.
If we follow all these tips, and we also hydrate ourselves well every few hours, nothing will stop us from enjoying a great summer on the beach, in the mountains, or in the place we prefer!
Have a nice summer!
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👌 gràcies
Gràcies a tu, Carles!
Bones vacances 🏖️
Moltes gràcies, Manel, i que tu també gaudeixis d’unes molt bones vacances!!!
Gràcies, Joan! Ens veiem per La Plaça!
Molt interesant, abans de comprar mirar la composició com fem amb les coses de menjar.
Exacte Rosa 🙂
👍costa molt trobar protectors químics biodegradables. Quan vas a la farmàcia m’ha passat que ni ells saben que els estàs demanant, però us convido a que en feu la vostra cultura al respecte, cerques protectors biodegradables, no hi ha gaires però en trobareu.
Tota la raó Laura, costa trobar-los i quan els trobes, no són els més econòmics, però val la pena l’esforç. Gràcies!
Ho he fet escoltar i llegir a una nena de 13 anys pensant que em diria que ja coneixia el perill. Doncs no. Es passen mig estiu a plè sol i no els expliquen el perquè de la importància de les cremes i de tenir cura de la pell.
Ho ha trobat superinteressant i ho explicarà a les amigues.!! Ho expliques molt bé. Hi ajuda la teva experiència personal. Gràcies
Me n’alegro molt del què dius, Mercè! Per aquí es comença, oi? per ser-ne conscient de ben jove i així evitar danys posteriors més endavant. Moltes gràcies!
Molt bona informació, mirar les etiquetes amb els components que porta el protector solar que hem de comprar, tal com fem amb les coses de menjar.
Exacte, a partir d’ara caldrà comprar-los seguint els consells de la Sandra 😉
Bona informació dels protectors solars a tenir en compte
Sí, és molt important no abaixar la guàrdia!