Refugee children’s right to education

According to UNHCR, 50% of refugee children are unable to attend primary school and 22% of young people are unable to attend secondary school. One of the most important rights of children, the right to education, is therefore violated. 11Onze Rolls Up its Sleeves collaborates with Better Shelter to build Shelter Schools for children in northern Syria affected by the earthquakes last February.


Syria has been in crisis for more than 12 years, with war and devastating earthquakes. As a result, some 7 million people are internally displaced. One of the most vulnerable groups is children who have lost not only their homes and families but also the chance to continue being children and to receive an education.


The role of education

A UNESCO report highlights the key role of education in creating a better future for everyone. Low levels of access to education and high levels of inequality in education increase the risk of violence and conflict. It is a fish that bites its own tail. Observed over 21 years, areas with very low rates of education were 50% more likely to experience conflict.


Which students are in classrooms

UNHCR estimates that, when there is a disaster, refugee pupils end up missing an average of three to four school years. And, of course, these are not normal classes. You can find children who have lost their families, who have suffered abuse, who have lost their homes and who may have disabilities.

Despite the difficulties, these classrooms can transform children. They can learn to read, write and do maths. If they do well, they will continue with specific subjects such as science, geography, and history. But they will also learn basic health care and hygiene. They will study human rights and how and from whom to get help. They are thus being prepared for a tough world that has already dealt them severe blows when they were very young.

But the role of teachers is not only to educate children, but to keep them in a safe space. This is also what the Shelter Schools that 11Onze Rolls Up its Sleeves promotes with Better Shelter are: places where nothing bad can happen to you.

What are the Better Shelter Schools like?



11Onze Rolls Up its Sleeves

From 11Onze we have decided to roll up our sleeves, and we want to build 50 Shelter Schools for the children of Northern Syria. This way we will be able to help 1,750 children. To make this possible, we need 100,000 euros that 11Onze Rolls Up its Sleeves, will send to Better Shelter to carry out the action on the ground. Can we count on you?

I want to roll up my sleeves!

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  1. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Una molt bona iniciativa,.
    Tots els infants haurien de tenir la possibilitat d’accedir a la educació, i de ben segur q tindríem una societat millor

    • AlbertAlbert says:

      Gràcies per la teva reflexió, que compartim fil per randa, Manel!

      1 year ago
  2. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  3. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    Ben explicat perquè són imprescindibles les escoles.
    Els infants són com figures de fang que s’han de moldejar I necessiten un lloc estable I segur perquè no es trenquin.
    Síria no és tan lluny. Si ens ho mirem amb una bola del món gairebé sóm veïns, I els veïns s’ajuden.

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