Nuclear fusion: now yes, the energy of the future?
Nuclear fusion has for many years promised to be the energy source of the future, practically inexhaustible, safer and cleaner than the fission of current power plants. An eternal promise, but the latest scientific breakthroughs seem to be laying the foundations for the myth to become reality.
Although both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are nuclear reactions that release the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom, the process of energy generation is different. In nuclear fission, a heavy nucleus is split into smaller nuclei, while in nuclear fusion, light nuclei are combined to create a larger, heavier nucleus.
Unlike fission, the process of nuclear fusion also occurs naturally. The Sun is the best known example. It is a nuclear reaction where two positively charged nuclei integrate and overcome the electrostatic forces of repulsion, which requires tiny amounts of fuel, but large amounts of energy, very high temperatures and high levels of pressure for this process to take place.
These factors have so far made commercial production and exploitation impossible. That is why nuclear fusion electricity is still years away from being a reality. Even so, it is a safer energy source than current power plants, which generates less radioactive waste and is practically inexhaustible. And this is why projects to advance the understanding and feasibility of nuclear fusion continue to flourish.
China, Europe, and the United States in the lead
Earlier this year, the Asian giant announced that scientists at the research facility in Anhui managed to generate a temperature of 70 million degrees for 17 minutes and 36 seconds in its nuclear fusion reactor, known as the ‘Chinese artificial sun’, setting a new world record. The aim is to maintain these extreme temperatures for as long as possible and in a stable manner. A milestone that is still far from the practical commercial horizon, but which is steadily advancing.
Europe has made a strong commitment to nuclear fusion research with the project known as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). A pharaonic project to build the world’s largest nuclear fusion experiment with a tokamak at Cadarache, in the south of France. A project that counts with the collaboration of 35 countries, including Spanish companies, and that will add to the research successes of the scientists of the Joint European Torus (JET) reactor, located in the town of Culham, United Kingdom, which is currently the largest in the world.
Furthermore, last January, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California succeeded in making a fusion reaction generate more energy than was needed for it to occur, with the added bonus that the heat generated fed back into the process. A small step in absolute terms, but still a step towards the commercial viability of fusion energy, it underlines the need for intensified collaboration between countries and industry if this timeless energy of the future is one day to be the energy of the present.
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Moltes gràcies per mantindre’ns informats sobre l’energia nuclear!
A vosaltres per ser-hi… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jordi!!!
Molt interessant.
Moltes gràcies, Pere
Crec que no és el camí per dues raons fonamentals 1-Per que encara genera residus radioctius, encara que siguin menys, crec que hem d’apstar per el zero. 2-No ens la podem fer a casa, per tant mai serà nostre, per tan mai ens podrem “empoderar”. Per tan continuarem sent esclaus de grans corporacions. És la meva opinió
Moltes gràcies per la teva opinió Josep Maria!
Moltes gràcies, Daniela. Ens veiem per la Plaça!
Gràcies, Joan!!!
Molt interessant 👌
Cert Carles. Gràcies pel comentari
Ok 👍
Moltes gràcies, Josep!
Gràcies per l’article. Un cop verificat que és possible la fusió nuclear seria lògic que els esforços conjunts es dirigissin a la investigació i desenvolupament d’aquesta energia, i més a la vista de que les alternatives actuals, l’energia verda, més aviat semblen pedaços i tampoc no està demostrat que siguin tan verdes, tret de l’ hidrogen del futur. Però es clar, l’ etiqueta verda està molt valorada, mou milions.
Moltes gràcies per trobar interessant el nostre article, Mercè. I moltes gràcies també per la teva reflexió, que tinguis molt bon dissabte!
Tan de bo no trigui i esperant ,cosa que veig dificil,la ma oculta del pider no se la faci seva per comerciar i enriquir-se
Gràcies per aquest article més que interessant
Moltes gràcies per mostrar interès en el nostre article, Alícia. Ens veiem per la Plaça!
Enriquir els coneixements la millor manera d’esdevenir responsables
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Francesc. Ens veiem per la Plaça!
La energia és molt important. Bon article.
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Pere!
Interesant article 👍
Gràcies, Manuel pel teu comentari!