Anything goes in the name of “National Security”?

The Spanish government has finally approved the reform of the National Security Law, but the great power granted to the public authorities to deal with very ill-defined crisis situations raises serious concerns about how it could affect our fundamental rights. Miriam Frias, financial assistant at 11Onze, analyses the news.


Officially, the National Security Law of 2015 aims to ensure that the State can have the strategic resources necessary to deal with crisis situations, risks and threats that affect national security. The new text does not affect the essential content of the law, even so, it centralises more competences and specifies some actions to be carried out in crisis situations to guarantee that in such scenarios the country will have the basic resources.

The concept is nothing new, and both Spain and other countries have laws designed to guarantee critical resources, urging business and state collaboration, during a context of extreme crisis, as we suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even so, and as Miriam Frias explains, “modifications have been made that have not reached the public and are still an unknown quantity“.

The balance between rights and duties

The ambiguity and lack of specificity of the text allow for an overly broad legal interpretation that generates mistrust among the population. “It is an ace up the government’s sleeve that it can use when it deems necessary,” says Frias. This means that the state “could force any person of legal age to perform personal services and to comply with orders given by the authorities”.

The reform of the law has also set off alarm bells among businesses concerned that the state could seize their assets, stop their activity or even occupy them temporarily. As Frias explains, “businesses and legal entities would also have to provide personal or material services. The state would have the right to confiscate, requisition or expropriate all kinds of assets”.

After the experience of the abuse and scope in the application of article 155, it is worrying, to say the least, that a national security law, which a priori has to be more effective and quicker in its application than this article of the Constitution, does not guarantee that there will be no abuse of authority by representatives of the executive branch of the state. “We hope that these situations and examples will never materialise, but it is important to be aware of them, because nothing is impossible,” Frias concludes.


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  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  2. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    No, no tot s’hi val en nom de “La seguridad nacional”!

  3. Cristian Molina i NavarroCristian Molina i Navarro says:

    Pregunta: Si tenim els nostres estalvis fora dels bancs espanyols (en aquest cas onze banc amb seu fora de l’estat espanyol), és a dir, sota el paraigües d’un altre estat on no te validesa aquesta llei de seguretat nacional, poden també confiscar-nos?

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      En principi l’estat Espanyol no els pot confiscar. Per aconseguir-ho haurien d’iniciar un procés judicial amb la justícia del país en qüestió i això es faria enrevessat i llarg, i suposadament l’estat espanyol no ho farà. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Cristian!!!

      2 years ago
  4. Pere Maria EstremPere Maria Estrem says:
    Pere Maria

    “La sobirania nacional resideix en el poble…” Article 1.2 de la CE. S’ha de fer valer.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Tota la raó del món! No pas als polítics, partits polítics o l’Ibex-35, però s’ho passen pel folre… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Pere!!!

      2 years ago
  5. Pere SorianoPere Soriano says:

    A la vista de les respostes que arriben dels estaments europeus en les ocasions que se’ls reclama intervenció, el que millor podrien fer els legislatius, executius i judicials es plegar i deixar que posi ordre gent vàlida, que els aprofitats i la picaresca encara està implantada i ens podem desfer. Caldria un canvi molt radical. Salut.

    • Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

      Si Pere, n’hi ha alguns que ja fa temps que han quedat fora de termini i caldria una bona renovació, sembla que se’ls ha enganxat la cadira sota les caderes!!

      2 years ago
  6. Francesc Estafanell PujolFrancesc Estafanell Pujol says:
    Francesc de Borja

    Cal tenir en compte el que diu l’article ja que l’estat que tenim no improvitza i no dubtarà en utilitzar qualsevol recurs legal o quasi com fa sovint

    • Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

      Esperem que no ho utilitzin perquè seria un experiment lamentable, la veritat.

      2 years ago
  7. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Si això arriba a passar, la gent ja no estem per osties, més quan ha quedat palès q només miren pels interessos de l’oligarquia i les seves pròpies butxaques.

  8. Cristian Palau BatistaCristian Palau Batista says:

    Esperem que no s’apoderin dels nostres bens, i actuïn correctament y que ho ratifiqui el constitucional. Perquè sinó faran un nyap com el confinament declarat inconstitucional per no aplicar-ho correctament. Salut i republica nois.

    • Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

      Cert Crisitan, massa decisions i lleis s’han creat per la por a perdre el poder… però lamentablement la desconfiança sembla apoderar-se d’aquells que tenen més i per no perdre el què tenen, es cobreixen les espatlles amb el poc que s’han guanyat amb esforç els altres. Salut!

      2 years ago

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