La-Banca-Feta-Facil La-Banca-Feta-Facil

Get to know the pillars of 11Onze

Do you want to know how 11Onze will work? The first Catalan fintech community is getting ready to launch its financial operations. We explain the values that guide us.


You are already part of La Plaça, you already know the community. The next steps of 11Onze will come soon, and we want to explain what our pillars are. What will 11Onze be like?


There will be full transparency with the costs of the services provided, a single interest rate applied to any credit product. It is a model of transparency that does not exist in the market.


Being a fintech allows 24/7 access and combined AI and personal agent support. There will be multiple financing alternatives and a self-credit service based on the user’s credit history and credit rating. All assisted by CISI certified agents.


Online platform, La Plaça, for spreading economic and financial knowledge. The educational branch of 11Onze Aprendre is a firm commitment to training and citizen empowerment.

We have an online platform, La Plaça, to disseminate economic and financial knowledge. The educational branch of 11Onze Aprendre is a firm commitment to training and citizen empowerment. But La Plaça will grow with P2P financing alternatives and will offer an accounting service for SMEs in the cloud with tax settlement such as VAT and income tax. There will also be an automatic and proactive bridging finance service to mitigate negative cash flow effects and automatic assistance for family cash flow improvement, including proposing and managing the change of basic service provider. 11Onze is a banking model that is highly focused on creating savings and value for users.


11Onze will be under the jurisdiction of the ECB, but outside Spain. We will double Basel III solvency criteria and use military-grade encrypted communications for security and privacy of transactions and exchanges. We will comply with the highest SEG standards and, apart from funds and assets, users will be able to use the vault service to store digital documents and assets in the bank.


Do you have more questions about 11Onze? The most common one is, of course, when it will start operating. 11Onze cannot yet make the exact date public, but it is working to make it happen as soon as possible, with all the guarantees for our customers. La Plaça users will be the first to know. For any other questions, you can consult the following articles or leave us a comment.


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11Onze 11Onze
  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  2. Enrique Puig i DomingoEnrique Puig i Domingo says:

    Ja teniu la nostre atenció …. Restem impacients

  3. Joan Gelaberto SansJoan Gelaberto Sans says:

    11Onze, de moment esteu crea’n moltes expectatives i il·lusió, serà qüestió d’engegar màquines.

    • Lels says:

      Gràcies, Joan, esperem que en unes setmanes us puguem anar donant notícies.  Mentrestant et recomano posar-te al dia de tots els continguts a La Plaça

      4 years ago
  4. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Un banc català amb manera de ser catalana i fora del banc d’Espanya

    • Xavier Esteve says:

      Una nova manera de treballar, i aprofitant els avantatges de la tecnologia. Gràcies

      4 years ago
  5. Miquel Pérez CorralMiquel Pérez Corral says:

    Dona confiança i seguretat!

  6. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:

    Molt be 👏👏👏👏

    • Oriol Garcia FarréOriol Garcia Farré says:

      Ja queda menys, Josep! Estigues atent a La Plaça on informarem de les novetats.

      3 years ago
  7. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    11Onze, més que un banc. Un marca amb tarannà català aue identificarà Catalunya, fruit de molt esforç, intel.ligència, visió i actitud de servei.

    • Mireia Cano Codina says:

      Ho has descrit a la perfecció. Gràcies per aportar sempre, Mercè!

      4 years ago

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